34. Well... We definitely did not see that coming."

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1) This story will be quite interactive, (I hope!) which means that my readers would have to respond... (I might be doing this because I love your comments, and I wanna see hilarious comments.)
2) As you read this story, you should be able to notice a few lines which will be in italics. That means that you should answer back in the commentary with respect to each line, okay?
3) The questions will be easy, so don't get scared, okay? (Gosh! It's like I'm thinking you guys are children! Nah, you guys are cool children! 0_o)

Also, I have no idea if this will suck or not. I just wanted to try it out.... This is a one-time thing, so yeah, it's never happening again.

"Oh hello. You must be wondering who is speaking, as well as why. And I will answer all of your questions."

"You must also be asking yourself - what questions is this person even talking about? I'm not asking any questions yet. Am I right? I hope I'm right, please tell me I'm right!"

Thor shifted slightly on his chair, his legs crossed and arms clasped on his lap. He looked at the camera, (as if you are watching from your Tv) and smiled. "My name is Thor Odinson, as you probably know. My username is Poptart_Lover-"

"You were not supposed to say that, Thor!" Clint screamed from somewhere, as he was not in the camera's range.

Thor winced. "Sorry. Anyway, I have been selected for doing this-this- what do you call it?" (Choose between the two given italic words below! Or add your own word, because I blanked out on the word...)

There were shuffling sounds and muttering. Tony and you were softly arguing, which became louder as everyone else watched your heated debate.  Thor tapped his fingers on his lap patiently. The discussion ended with, "Just call it an interview!"

"It's called an entry!"

Thor rolled his eyes and turned back to the camera. "We will skip that part. I'm doing this because I'm sure you must've noticed my absence or lack of description in almost all the stories so far. I've been given this opportunity to have these flashbacks and explain myself and my reasons for eating pop-tarts."

"Aren't most of them just for eating pop-tarts?" Loki popped in the view and asked in boredom. He smirked at his brother's scowl, and was shoved away by the big god. He crash-landed somewhere which sounded painful, and a groan was heard.

Everyone else in the room, that is all the Avengers, either groaned with him or closed their eyes. Thor just ignored them and turned back to the camera again.

"I'm sure that you've also noticed that wherever I was, I always had pop-tarts with me. I have a very reasonable explanation for that as well."

"That you just love it too much?" Nat asked flatly.

"No, I-"

"Or because you would have mood swings?" Steve piped in. Everyone looked at him, along with Thor with raised eyebrows. Even the camera faced him, and he smiled sheepishly.

"It's true! There was the time when I had returned from jogging!" Steve protested in his defence.

Thor laughed loudly, and the camera swung back to him. "I remember that day. But it wasn't a mood swing. In fact, I was angry because of something that a certain Spider-woman forced upon me."


Steve walked in, sweating and he wiped his forehead. He entered the kitchen only to find Thor hogging every pop-tart in sight.

Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now