18. New Weirdos, feat. The Merc with a Mouth and The Wall-Crawling Menace

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This chapter is dedicated to  Booklover_324- for the prompt.

Everyone was in the training room, because Tony had assembled them to challenge each other and find the Ultimate Avenger.

Pietro, Wanda and Bruce were not present as they were in the labs. The Doctor had politely disagreed, knowing that Hulk might tear down the room if he got too excited.

Tony had announced that he wouldn't be participating, mostly because he knew he would win. Being the cocky bastard, he instead dressed up as a cheerleader, plus he acted as the judge and referee.

The training room occupied a full floor, with the latest training facilities.

Reinforced punching bags to bear the force of the strong Avengers' blows; extra-fast treadmills that doubled as a race-track in the perimeter of the room; shooting ranges suspended in the air; a stockpile of weapons; an open combat area covered with a long, firm mat; and red and yellow bleacher seats.

There were large blue-tinted windows, with white blinds.

"Go, Capsicle!" Tony cheered as the Captain threw a punch at the other super soldier.

"You can do it, Bucky!" (Y/n) hollered from her seat.

Both the soldiers retreated slightly to recover. They then advanced, delivering and blocking punches and kicks.

" Who's strong and brave, here to save the American Way?" Tony sang.
Who vows to fight like a man for what's right night and day?
Who will campaign door-to-door for America,"

"By the norns," Loki muttered. Clint switched his hearing-aids off.

Carry the flag shore to shore for America,
From Hobo-ken to Spokane,
The Star Spangled Man with a Plan!" Tony belted out and danced ridiculously on the sidelines. He waved his pom-poms in the air.

Everyone burst out laughing. Steve turned red, momentarily forgetting the fight. Bucky immediately took the opportunity to lock him in a tight pin.

"Bucky, Bucky! The Winter Soldier," Clint yelled.
You're so strong, you can lift a boulder
You can beat the Capsicle,
You are so damn whimsical!
Cause you're amazing with a metal arm used for whooping butts so hard that it would become as flat as pancakes, and well, that wouldn't be delicious, now would it?"

Everyone stopped for a second to stare at Clint. Bucky was cringing. "In my defense, I wouldn't choose him to ever cheer me."

"What was that? The Song of the Wailing Idiot?" (Y/n) asked.

Clint winced. "Man, that didn't rhyme at all."

"That was your biggest regret?" Nat asked.

"You do know that was an insult to rappers all over the world, right?" Tony glared.

He was about to open his mouth to answer when the windows on the far side crashed and shattered.
Everyone took cover, and then immediately stood up as the glass pieces stopped flying everywhere.

As the Avengers stood up, all armed or prepared to fight; two costumed figures came barreling in and fought each other instead of attacking the Avengers.

"Is it just me or do I see two guys in red spandex tussling?" (Y/n) asked. "Because I remembered to take my pills this morning."

"What pills?"

"Anti-hallucinatory pills against seeing two red people fighting in our Tower," she deadpanned.

The two people were rolling and trying to take down the other on the mat where the super-soldiers had fought.

Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now