24. Off To Asgard: Day-4

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(Y/n) took a big spoon of her green jelly, wiggling it and watching it wobble. It honestly made her smile. She loved Asgardian breakfasts, because they always began with desserts, and then they made their way towards the main course.

Loki looked at her from the side of his eyes, grinning like a fool. Anything ridiculous that (Y/n) did, even the simplest things like running to a nearby playground to play on the swings, that made her happy, always drew him to her.
She had the uncanny ability to piss people off with her stubbornness, that's granted. But with that stubbornness came the child-like satisfaction of the smaller things in life.

Thor, who was eyeing her warily, coughed. "Lady (Y/n), perhaps playing with your food isn't the best option at the moment?"

She reluctantly drew her gaze from the still wiggling jelly. She popped it in her mouth. "Apologies, Your Highness," she said, her tone sweet. Loki nearly slapped the table from his urge to laugh.
"But I recall a certain Asgardian almost hypnotized by marshmallows, claiming that it was so soft and heavenly, and then proceeded to lay marshmallows all over his bed."

Loki snorted, doing his best to cover it up by pinching the bridge of his nose. His contained laughter was making his chest rumble. Thor had turned beet-red, choosing to instead pick at the thick slice of bacon on his plate.

Frigga was modestly chuckling, while Odin seemed unamused at the banter. He was more interested in staring at Tony long enough to irk him.

"What are you planning to do today, dear?" Frigga asked, her eyes darting from (Y/n) to Loki, a gesture only her son caught. "Perhaps you-"

"Mother," Loki blurted, almost choking at her insinuation. "Your food is getting cold."

Hiding a smug look, the Queen returned to her food.

Tony, who seemed to suddenly break away from Odin's gaze and tune into the conversation, spat food out of his mouth as he shouted, "labs!"

(Y/n) wrinkled her nose. "What an early response, Knucklehead."

"Loki and I are to have a meeting with the All-Father, today and tomorrow." Thor boomed with a bright smile. Jane was silent with a frown.
She thought that she would spend more time with her boyfriend here on Asgard, but she was obviously wrong.

A light bulb lit up above (Y/n)'s head, figuratively.
She had promised to visit Heimdal. She could use the free time to do so, and hopefully gossip about the Princes.

"(Y/n)," Tony said. "Could you be a lab rat for my Dehydration Ray?"

She gave him a withering look. "Spending time in the SHIELD torture room would be less painful."

Loki's hand struck the table, and he laughed to his heart's content.


"So, tell me about them!" (Y/n) whined to Heimdall, who leaned casually against his sword.

"Well, there was this particular story of Loki cutting off Sif's hair-" he started when she groaned.

"I heard that story! So many centuries and there is no other story?"

He shrugged sheepishly and toyed with his sword. His eyes suddenly glowed and he seemed to be in a trance.
She noticed that he seemed to give a dead stare, which she would consider unnerving in most scenarios.
This was no exception.

After a few seconds, he snapped out of it. She frowned. "You looked like you were planning someone's death."

"Could you do me a favor, Lady (Y/n)?" he asked tentatively. "I need you to just guard this Observatory. The All-Father requests my presence immediately and I need you to just watch over the sword and prevent any intruders from trespassing."

Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now