Meet The Bass Player

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January 17, 1981

"Evie, he's going to murder you." My twin says looking at my tattoo.

I had just got my first tattoo, it's simply the words Wanna Ruck? in cursive. I play rugby, and that's my favourite line my rugby coach has ever used.

I'm Eva Bass, Evie to everyone else though. I'm the middle child of three, my older brother Tommy and my younger twin Ava. I'm seventeen years old and in my senior year of high school. Tommy is just over a year older than me, he's insanity over protective, I love him all the same though. Ava is a good girl and a semi genius. So that leaves me, I guess you could call me an athlete jockey type person. School isn't my forte, I try my damnedest but I still get solid Cs, aside from English and History, I rock at that.

"Everything is going to be fine." I assure her and I pull my shirt back down, covering the tattoo on my back.

I bite on my pen and look at notes from my physics class, easily my worst class. Ava and I usually switch out for this class, she has history while I have physics. I love being a twin for that reason, we've been doing it for years! The teachers still haven't figured out that I'm left handed and Ava is right handed.

"Twins!!" A voice yells from up stairs.

I bite down on my pen, hard. It exploding in between my teeth, I taste blue ink and run my hand across my mouth, ink smears on my palm.

"Awe fuck!!" I yell without swallowing. "Fucking Tommy!!"

I yell and run out my room to beat his sorry ass. Ava follows me. I run up the stairs and into the living room. I look into the adjoining kitchen, Tommy is standing in the fridge as always. I look over to him.

"What the fuck, Tommy?" I yell and he pulls his head out of the fridge, holding the envelopes that I've tried to hide.

"Be polite, Evie. We have guests." Tommy points over to the dark haired guy sitting on the counter.

His hair nearly covers his face completely, he peaks out underneath his black hair and green eyes poke out. He's got really pretty eyes and he's really hot.

"You know you have blue on your face, right?" Tommy asks flipping through envelopes. "Why haven't you opened any of these?"

"Because I didn't apply for them." I say looking over to his friend. "Now who's being rude? Who's your friend?"

"Oh right, that Nikki Sixx he plays bass. The one that looks like she just blew a smurf is Evie, the one behind her is Ava." Tommy points us out. "And the more reason to open letters from colleges, Norte Dame, Stanford, UCLA, Brown."

"Hey Sixx." I say and he looks up.

"So tell me, was it Papa Smurf or Brainy Smurf you were pleasuring?" Nikki asks me with a smirk, a great smirk.

"Jokey, if you had to know. I like a guy that can make me laugh." I smirk and he laughs.

"I like you." He laughs.

"You know Evie, if you don't open them, I will." Tommy says ripping a couple open.

"Tommy, I'm going to kill you!!" I yell as he holds the envelopes over my head. He hands a couple back to Nikki. "I'll kill you to Sixx!" I say as I walk over to him, he holds them over my head to.

I hate being short.

"Brown and Notre Dame want you." Tommy says from behind me. I turn back.

"What?" I ask.

"Same with UCLA and Stanford." Nikki tells me.

"What?" I say and I turn back to Nikki. "Let me see those." I say and they hand me to letters.

I scan them quickly and they all say the same thing. They want me on a full scholarship, an athletic scholarship.

"Holy shit." I mutter reading them again.

"So are you going to school then?" Ava asks.

"Yeah, you were scared your grades were too low. Schools want you on scholarship." Tommy tells me.

"Yeah, I know. I still don't want to go to school though." I admit.

"Eva, you know mom and dad want you to go to school." Ava says.

"They have you going to school, they should be happy enough with that." I mutter but she catches that.

"Quit it, you know as well as I do that you're smarter than you let on." Ava tells me.

"Okay okay, I still don't know." I say as the door opens again.

In walks the guitarist for Tommy's band, Greg. Ava's been banging him off and on, I don't think Tommy knows about it though.

"So are we going to rehearse or are we going to stand here?"  Greg says upon walking in.

"Right, we're going up to the attic. Be good." Tommy say and he ruffles my hair.

Nikki nudges me as he walks past, I smile and shove him back. Nikki laughs but follows my brother, grabbing his bass from the foyer. Greg is the last to go up, after he slaps my sister's ass as he walks by.

"He's a real cock." I tell her and she sighs.

"Heard that!" Greg yells as he goes up the stairs.

"You were supposed to!" I yell back.


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