Even Better News

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"Eva Grace!" I hear Amanda yell.

She must've run in the back door because Nikki and I are sitting in the garage. Well yeah, I guess you could call it that. I mean we are sitting. I'm sorta straddling my boyfriend in the front seat of my Charger and the buttons on our pants might be undone and his hands are up my shirt and we were hardcore making out but we are sitting.

Tommy should be so proud of me.

I pull away from Nikki and drop my hands from his shoulders to do up the button of my jeans. Nikki however has moved to kissing my collar bone.

"Nikki." I gasp. "She's going to be her any second." He groans.

"Baby." He complains. "You leave in like three days and I'm not going to see you for two weeks. I think Amanda can wait."

"Nikki." I say again and kiss his lips. "I'll be back before you know it." He grabs my hands and kisses my knuckles.

"What if you met some outback redneck who hunts gators for a living and never come back?" Nikki asks and I shake my head.

"Believe it or not it's kinda hard to pick up outback redneck gator hunters when all you do in your spare time is miss your boyfriend who you can't call because you're 19 hours a head of Los Angeles." I say and he smiles.

"I'd still answer, I don't care what time it is. I don't care about the long distance charges. All I care about is you and hearing your voice." Nikki says and drops my hands so he can hold my face.

We lock eyes and at this position I can see his gorgeous green eyes poking out from behind his bangs. His eyes study mine and I know I'm trying to say something but I'm not sure what and I know that my lips are moving but no sound is coming out. Christ I must look like an idiot. If I do look like an idiot Nikki sure doesn't notice, we just stare deeply into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Nikki. So so much." I'm finally able to say but my voice comes out as a whisper.

"Eva Grace, you're my whole wide world. I love you more than anything." He says in the same tone. "I love you more than breathing. You're the safest kind of drug I can find and you're far more addictive than heroin."

I press my lips to Nikki's because that was easily the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. We start to kiss and it turns into making out quickly. I feel Nikki's smirk against my lips as his hands go down to unbutton my pants yet again. His hands then find their way back up my shirt and to the back of my bra. My hands tangle in his hair and I hear the door to the house open.

I know it's Amanda but there's not a light on in the garage and it's pretty dark as well. Along with that the windows to my Charger are tinted, there's a chance she won't see us. I mean there's a chance she won't see us. A very slim chance but still a chance. A knock comes on my drivers side window (huh, I didn't realize Nikki rolled the window up). I know without looking that Amanda is behind the knock.

I pull away from Nikki again and do up my jeans. When I look up Nikki is smirking.

"What are you smirking about?" I wonder.

"I just think it's cute how easily you let me in your pants some times." He says and I give him a look. "You're not easy by any means but for me it's easy. I know exactly what to say."

Then everything clicks in my head. He had everything planned out. Nikki knows I'll never go for any guy in Australia, he knows how I would've reacted, therefore he knew what to say. I slap his shoulder gently and he laughs.

"Nikki." I complain and he smiles.

"I wasn't lying though, sweetheart. You are my everything." Nikki says as kisses my nose.

We get out of the car and Amanda is giggling to herself. I lean against my car and Nikki does the same while wrapping his arms around me.

"What's up?" I wonder. "You only call me Eva Grace when you're super excited."

"Oh right! The eight man for Team USA got knocked up. I got the call this morning, I got the position! I'm going to Australia with you!" She says and I smile.

"I don't have to fly by myself!" I joke. "That's great, Amanda!"

She hugs me then tells me she has to run, Amanda has yet to tell her cousin Mick and wanted to tell him ASAP. Nikki was just about to suggest we go back to what we were previously doing when we heard two bikes pull up which meant Tommy and Vince. From there Nikki decided he could wait because he values his wellbeing.

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