The Making Of A Princess

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February 1988

Nikki and I decided on a date and it was fast approaching. April Fools Day is the day I become Mrs. Nikki Sixx and I can't wait. The part that I really didn't think through was the actual wedding. I can arrange a church and a day and the food but I didn't think the whole dress part through.

I have the most cut throat arsenal that I can think of. My twin sister, Amanda, my mother, and Vince. We all walk into the dress shop and I already get uncomfortable. I hate girlie things so very much. Vince bumps me with his hip and smiles.

"Let's find you a gown, Princess." He says and takes me by the hand.

We all look through wedding dresses, well I don't because I don't know what I'm looking for. In the end they all pick out one dress for me to try on. So I get pushed into the change room with my sister so she can help me put the dress on (again because it's all foreign to me).

The first three dresses (Amanda's, mom's, and Ava's) all looked absolutely god awful on me. I can't believe I'm going to say this but Vince might be my only hope.

I step into the lacy dress that is skin tight. It flows down past my feet and its strapless. It has a little belt thing and yeah, I'm not good with dresses whatsoever. I look at myself in the mirror and Ava smiles at our refection.

"You look beautiful, Evie." She says and I smile. "Who picked out this dress?"

"Vince." I say and she laughs.

"Leave it to Vince to find my twin sister's perfect wedding dress." Ava says and I look at her. "Come on Eves, this dress is stunning on you. I'm calling it right now, Nikki will cry when he sees you in it."

"I don't know, I mean. I feel stupid, Av." I say and she fixes my hair.

"Welcome to the world of being a normal girl." She says. "Let's go show everyone."

We walk out to wear mom, Amanda, and Vince are all waiting. As soon as Vince sees me he lights up. I step up onto the pedestal in front of the mirror. Vince is smiling like an idiot. Amanda and Ava are both in awe of the dress. My mom has started to cry. This is the dress.

"You guys can say something, you know?" I say. "For example it looks horrible."

"Eva, you look stunning." My mother manages to get out and I smile.

"Thanks, mom." I say quietly.

"Is that the dress I picked out?" Vince wonders. "Damn, am I ever good at this! Like I should just get paid to go shopping with people!" He smiles. "You look beautiful, Princess."

"Thanks, Vince." I say.

"What do you think, Av?" Amanda wonders. "I think Vince picked out Evie's perfect wedding dress."

"I think you're right." My twin says. "Evie?"

"It's gotta be it, right?" I ask and they nod. "Then Vince found me a wedding dress." I laugh.

I pay for the dress and my twin sister takes it from my hands.

"You will somehow manage to destroy it or show Nikki before the wedding. I am keeping this for now." She tells me as she puts it in her car.

My sister drives off with my mother and Amanda so Vince and I are left.

"What do you say, Princess? Wanna get something to eat?" He wonders and I nod. "Awesome, I'll make Nikki jealous. I went on a date with his wife to be." He laughs as we walk down the sidewalk.

We eat at a restaurant and then we head to a bar because that's like Vince's home. I'm finally legal drinking age so that's exciting (I mean I have been since '84 so that makes getting carded easier). We sit at the bar and order a couple of beers.

"You know, I think that nickname of yours is getting truer and truer." Vince says and I look at him.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I wonder and he grins.

"Well Princess, according to ever fairytale like ever to be a princess you need a crown, a gown, a castle, and a prince." Vince starts. "I've been to yours and Nikki's and it's a fucking castle. We just went out and bought you a gown.  You have your Prince Charming in the form of a Harley riding bass player. The way I see it, all that's missing is the crown."

"No I actually have that!" I say and he gives me a look. "I got it a couple of weeks back but I've been forgetting to show you."

I pull the neck of my shirt so that my left shoulder will come out the neck hole. On the back of my left shoulder is a black crown with the word 'Princess' underneath it in cursive writing.

Vince has call me Princess for nearly twelve years now and we joked about me getting it tattooed on me. Since I love tattoos (and I've kinda lost count of how many I have [my left arm is a sleeve at this point]).  I figured that I'll get this one to, I mean it's part of who I am.

I'm a badass Princess with tattoos, I'm marrying a rockstar, and I play rugby for a living. Eat your heart out, Cinderella!

"I can't believe you actually got it, Princess." Vince says with a laugh. "It looks really good."

"Oh why thank you." I joke and he smiles.

"Nah, you've gotta do the Queen wave." He says and then demonstrates.

We spend a good fifteen minutes perfecting our Queen wave with fish lips. God, we must look insane to bar patrons. We laugh and have fun and that's why I'm best friends with Vince Neil.

"Really living up to that Princess nickname of yours, huh?" Vince asks as he downs the remanding of his beer.

"Hell yeah." I say as I finish mine.

"I should probably return you to Nikki now." He says as we pay. "But it's always a pleasure, Princess Evie."

"Oh the pleasure was all mine." I laugh and he grins.

I love my insane best friend.

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