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I sit on the counter in the kitchen, it's too fucking early for this shit. It's the third week into June and we all decided on going to an amusement park. I'm waiting for one of three things; Tommy and Ava to get their asses out of bed, Nikki, Vince, Amanda, Mick, and Ava's boyfriend to get over here, and coffee to be done.

Coffee gets made and Tommy comes downstairs, Ava eventually comes upstairs. She wears a dress and heels. I look at her.

"You know we're going to an amusement park, right? With like roller coaster and crap like that." I ask her.

"Yeah Evie, we've been planning it for a while now." Ava reminds me.

"Roller coasters go really fast, I'm telling you right now that your dress will fly up. As for  your shoes, I'm not carrying you after the first couple of hours." Tommy tells her and she sighs.

"I'm getting changed." Ava walks back downstairs.

The front door opens and Nikki walks in with sunglasses on, he checks Tommy into a wall before coming and sitting with me on the counter.

"I'm starting to think you only come here to see my little sister." Tommy smiles at his friend. Nikki puts his arms around me.

"What can I say, you have a couple of cuties for sisters." Nikki says and the smile melts from Tommy's face.

"Fuck off, I already have a Vince that's like that." Tommy admits as the back door opens.

"I'm here!" Vince calls like he lives here.

Vince walks over to me he winks at the fact that Nikki's arm is wrapped around me kisses my cheek.

"Princess." He greets me and I laugh, he turns to Nikki.

"Ugly step sister." Vince looks at Nikki and he laughs. "You're stealing my girl."

"Your girl?" Tommy and I question at the same time.

"Yeah! My girl!" Vince says hugging me tightly.

"Vince! I already have a trick knee, I don't need broken shoulders to." I gasp and he lets go.

"Right! Sorry, Princess." Vince lifts my chin with his finger and kisses my nose. "How's that doing anyways?"

"Good, great actually. My doctor says I might be able to return to rugby by September." I say and he lights up.

"Yay, Princess!" Vince hugs me again.

Ava walks back up the stairs wearing a blue shirt and a pair of jean acid washed Daisy Dukes.

"Evie, have you my shorts like these but they're just normal jean colour?" She asks as she gets to the kitchen.

"Wearing them." I say.

"Really?" Ava questions.

I hop off the counter (the boys cringe thinking I'm going to hurt myself). I spin around showing her.

"How do they look better on do than they do on me?" Ava questions and I shrug.

"You're identical twins!" Tommy says.

There's a knock on the front door and we all look at each other. Nobody knocks on the door, they all just walk in. Ava lights up.

"I bet it's Mark!" She smiles before going to the door.

Mark is an asshole. He plays tennis and goes to country clubs and in general just pisses me off. Vince, Tommy, and Nikki don't like him very much either. Ava and her boyfriend start to make out in the foyer and Vince smirks.

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