3 am Wake Up Call

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Evie tossed and turned all night. I mean it's normal she's always been a restless sleeper, I learned to sleep through it. Something about tonight was different though.

It's about three o'clock in the morning and I'm half asleep. My arms are wrapped around my wife and my forehead is on her back. I feel Evie push herself up and I groan.

"Eves, it's late." I mumble.

That's about the time I notice her breathing. She's taking a lot of really quick breaths and I know that something is very wrong. I turn on the light and sit up beside her.

"Evie." I say and put my hand on her back. "What's wrong?"

"Babies." She's able to gasp out.

At first I didn't get it. Then it hit me like a freight train. Babies...Evie is in labor. Evie is going to have the babies!

"Are you sure?" I ask and she glares at me.

"Yes Nikki, I'm--OWWWW!" My wife cries.

"Okay, okay, okay." I mumble. "Hospital?"

"What was your first--" Evie doesn't finish her sentence because she starts screaming.

"Okay, yeah, hospital it is." I say. "Come on, Evie." I say and take her hand.

The drive to the hospital that usually takes about a half hour took fifteen minutes. I mean my wife is in labor and screaming at me. I didn't stop for any reds light. I was pretty proud of my time. Evie's screams are going to be burned into my brain for the rest of my life.


We all met up in the parking lot, I guess we call got the same call at three thirty in the morning. Princess went into labor and I could hear her screaming at Nikki while he was on the phone. Mick, Tommy, Ava, Amanda, the Bass parents, and I all meet up in the parking lot like I said earlier.

Right now all of us are in the waiting room. They said that Princess was ready to start pushing soon but not yet. Nikki and Ava are in the room with her and we can hear her scream once and a while. Tommy is just looking at the wall, every time his younger sister screams he jumps.

"Is this what Ava sounded like?" He asks his mom and she nods. "Shit."

"Why?" Mick wonders.

"Twins screaming and crying is my worst fear." Tommy admits. "I wasn't here when Ava was in labor but I'm here now. Right now all I can hear is them screaming, both of them. It scares the hell out of me."

"Tommy." I sigh and shove his shoulder. "I bet Nikki is freaking out."

"Oh yeah, easily." He laughs.

Nikki walks out of the room and nearly walks into the wall. He's freaking out. Nikki walks over to us and sits down beside Tommy.

"She's crying and in pain and refusing pain medication and has nearly broke my hand twice." Nikki says and looks at the floor. "Tommy think you can make her smile or at least calm her down?"

Tommy looks at his brother in law and Nikki smiles.

"I can try." He says and stands up. "Wish me luck, boys."


I walk towards the room Evie is in. Her's and Ava's screams are ringing in my head. I open the door. My younger sisters are sitting on the hospital bed, Evie has tears streaming down her face and I frown. I hate more than anything to see my younger sisters cry.

"Eves." I say and sit on the end of the bed. "Why are you crying?"

"There are two babies inside me that are fifteen days over due." She says and I smile.

"It'll be worth it when they're hear, Evie." I say. "I remember them telling me about the day you two were born. Evie you screamed like there was no tomorrow as did Ava, then nothing. Two two pound baby girls that were louder than a rock concert when completely silent. Evie your heart stopped completely. Ava's heart rate was dropping quickly. Our parents cried. Then all of a sudden you two started screaming your little heads off again. You two were little miracles. Now those two little miracles have brought other little miracles and--"

"You're the last one I would be pegged to be sentimental." Evie smirks and I laugh.

"Just think Eves,  after this you'll be able to drink again!" I say and she lights up.

"Oh how I missed it." She laughs.

The nurse comes in and shoos Ava and I out so they can see how dilated Evie is. She comes out.

"Eva is ready to start pushing." She says and Evie looks up.

"Nikki!" She calls and I see Nikki shoot to his feet.

"I think your wife wants you." I say with a laugh and he gets up.

"Are you the husband?" The nurse asks Nikki.

"Yeah." He answers.

"Those babies are coming now." The nurse says and he nod.

Nikki turns to the waiting room.

"Next time you fine jackasses see me, I'll be a dad!" He yells and laughs. Evie yells and he jumps. "I'm coming, sweetheart."


Nikki walks into the room and smiles. He comes over and kisses my forehead and then my cheeks. I smile at me.

"Let's have some babies, baby." Nikki says and grips my hands.

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