Claiming What's Mine

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"You're going to be like the youngest player in history." Vince says we make it to the bar they're playing tonight.

"I'm not sure about that, Vince." I say.

I had accepted the place on the World Cup team. I'm excited but not too keen about flying by myself, I mean after all I'm kinda scared of heights. I leave in a week for two weeks in Australia. I don't want to leave everyone. I didn't want to go to Stanford which is only a few hours away, Sydney is 19 hours a head of LA.

"Princess, you're only going on 19. Some of those girls have to be pushing thirty." He states.

"Maybe they'll be easier to hit." I say as we walk through the bar.

Bar backs and waitress are hurrying to make sure the tables are ready. Bar tenders are organizing bottles. I kinda miss working at a bar to be honest. Vince pulls me by the wrist to the backstage area. He opens a door and drags into the dressing room and I cover my eyes. I don't need to see my older brother naked as a J-Bird...again.

"We've gotta Princess present! Everyone--meaning Tommy--decent?" Vince yells and I hear Mick laugh.

"You're good, Evie." He promises and I move my hand.

Mick is tuning his guitar, Tommy is taking quite a bit of time (and hairspray) doing his hair so it adds another four inches to his height. Vince is checking his makeup in the mirror and arms come around me from behind. I turn around and hug Nikki.

"I don't know how I'm gonna go two weeks without seeing you, sweetheart." He mumbles and kisses my hair. "I love you."

"I love you so much." I admit.

"Good." Nikki says, I look up and Nikki's month lands on mine.

I smile and move his hair so I can see his eyes. Nikki smiles when I do this.

"I love your eyes so much, why do you cover them?" I wonder and he laughs while picking me up with his forearm under my ass (which Tommy is gonna hate).

"Because only special people get to see them." He says and kisses my nose. "You're so tiny, you're gonna get smashed at the World Cup." Nikki jokes and I smile.

"Thanks for that vote of confidence." I laugh and I hear Tommy groan.

"Guess I can't even do my hair without you trying get into my little sister's pants." He complains and we all laugh.

"T-Bone, in all honesty if Nik so much as looks at Evie you think he's trying to get in her pants." Mick says and my brother scowls.

"Dude, I know Nikki. If he looks at Princess he's trying to get in her pants." Vince laughs and Nikki smirks as he puts me on my feet again.

"I was think, sweetheart, there's a real nice bathroom here and we should go check it out." He says loud enough for my brother to her.

Tommy grabs my hand and pulls me back behind him. I'm laughing and so is Nikki, Vince, and Mick. After Tommy calmed himself down and I'm able to go back beside my boyfriend. He pulls me down on his lap and puts his bass on my lap. Nikki starts to tune and strum the bass around me only stopping to kiss my shoulder.

They play their show through, Ava and Amanda sit with me at a table so we can cheer on our boys. They look like they're having so much fun on stage, though I think Tommy wishes he could be closer to the screaming girls. Personally I don't like the screaming girls around my Nikki but I think I can live with them dreaming about him, it's when they start trying to taken him that I'll be breaking skulls.

Mötley Crüe finishes their show with three encores. Ava, Amanda, and I head into the backstage area and into the dressing room. Tommy is screaming at the top of his lungs and we can hear him even before we open the door. Vince is flirting with a hooker looking girl but still has time to yell 'hey Princess!'. Mick is taking care is placing his guitar in its case. My dear boyfriend is surrounded by a hoard of girls and my heart nearly stops. Looking back on it, I didn't see how crazy uncomfortable he looked. He hears Vince yell his greeting to me and lights up. Nikki nearly tackles me to the sticky bar floor when he crashes into me hugging me tightly.

"I love you!" He says pretty loudly so that the hoard of females hear.

"I love you to." I say and he smiles.

Nikki picks up my face and presses his lips to mine. I go up on my toes so I'm a little taller. His hands grip my hips and pull me close to him. I smile when I hear the hoard of hoes make growling noises and I place my hands on his cheeks. To my surprise Tommy doesn't even groan this time around, if I had to bet he took over the group that was around my Nikki. When we do pull away Nikki smiles and puts his head in my forehead.

"Having fun, Princess?" Vince yells and I look back to see him with two hooker looking girls, I laugh.

"Just claiming what's mine." I state and Nikki chuckles while nuzzling into my neck.

"Possessive, are we?" He wonders with his lips brushing my neck.

"No more than you are, baby." I giggle and Nikki starts to kiss my neck.

"You know, I was thinking that we should actually go and hit that bathroom." He says then returns to kissing my neck. "I bet that Tommy won't even notice."

"Nikki, you're probably right but I'm not having sex in the bathroom." I laugh and I can feel his smirk on my neck.

"Then let's go home, I'll make you scream my name there." He says matter of factly.

Nikki takes my hand in his and grabs his bass in the other. We walk towards the exit but I take it Vince noticed all of this.

"Aww, come on Nikki! We just got off stage, you can't leave yet." The singer complains even though he has a skank sitting on his lap kissing his neck.

"Vince, don't think of it as leaving. Think of it as me claiming what's mine in such a way if I did it in the bathroom Tommy would beat me senseless." My boyfriend explains with a laugh and Vince smiles.

"Have fun, kids." He laughs as we go out he door.

Once we get outside Nikki's hand let's go of my hand and it loops around my waist pulling me into him.

"We are gonna have fun." He laughs as we get to my car.

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