Old Juke Box

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"Nikki, where are we going?" I ask.

We're walking somewhere and Nikki's hands are covering my eyes and I hold onto his wrists. We must look insane.

"Be patient, sweetheart." He tells me and I can hear his smirk ringing throughout his voice.

"Don't run me into anything." I warn and he laughs.

"I won't, baby. I swear." Nikki promises me. "We're almost there to."

"Why did you park so far away?" I wonder.

"Because I didn't want you to know where we were going." He tells me as we stop. "And we're here."

Nikki's hands drop from my eyes and link up with mine. I'm standing in front of an old abandoned building. The sigh is faded and broken but something about this old building is familiar to me. I rack my brain to find it.

I pull into the ice cream shop and instantly see Nikki. He leans against the brick wall of the shop smoking a cigarette. I park my car and walk up to him. Nikki smiles when I get to him and he puts out the smoke. His hands go on my hips and Nikki leans down to kiss me, I go up on my toes to meet him. I wrap my arms around his shoulder and he stands up, pulling me from my feet. His tongue slips into my mouth and leans into the wall. When we pull back we're both out of breath.

"You look beautiful." Nikki tells me before nuzzling into my neck. "Come on."

"It's where we had our first date." I say and I look up at Nikki. "I can't believe this is what it looks like now."

"Our relationship out lived a ice cream shop." He says and I laugh. "I mean it has to be a good sign. Come on."

He starts to walk towards the building while pulling me behind him.

"Wait where are we going now?" I ask and he looks back smiling.

"We're going inside, baby." Nikki says and I give him a look that makes him laugh. "It's only trespassing if you get caught and we're not gonna get caught." He says matter of factly and pulls me into the alley.

We climb up the old rickety fire escape and step into a broken window. The upper level of this ice cream place must've been a bowling alley at one point because that's what we're standing in. Nikki and I look around for a few minutes.

"I feel like this is the place I'd get murdered in." I say and Nikki laughs.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, sweetheart. But it is kinda creepy." He admits.

A thick layer of dust lays on everything. There's still the counter to rent shoes and a really old juke box in the corner. Pins are broken and fallen over at the ends of the lane ways. Ball bowling balls sit on the stands. The little diner part has only white metal tables and chairs. It kinda reminds me of the diner from Grease.

Nikki pulls me towards the juke box and smiles.

"Let's see if it works." He says and puts a dime in.

Piano keys get played in a familiar way and Nikki looks over to me. We both smile like idiots.

"Just take those old records off the shelf
I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself "

Nikki and I dance around like absolute idiots along with the song. We laugh and just have fun. It's moments like this that make me realize how much I love Nikki. I'd never in a million years sneak into an old ice cream shop with anyone other than him. Nor would I dance around a dusty old bowling alley with anyone other than him.

Once the song ends Nikki pulls me to the shoe rental counter. He sits me on the counter than hops up beside me. He looks around at the shoes.

"And I thought you had a lot of shoes, babe." Nikki says and I playfully hit his shoulder.

"I think you have more shoes than I do, sweetheart." I say and kiss his lips. "I love you."

"I love you to." He says and pulls me closer to him.

I put my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around him. He kisses my forehead and hugs me.

"Evie?" Nikki asks.

"Yeah?" I answer and he hops off the counter to stand in front of me.

Nikki stands between my legs with his hands folded behind me. He kisses my lips gently and I smile.

"You love me?" He asks and I nod.

"Of course I do, Nikki." I say and he smiles.

"You'd do anything for me?" Nikki wonders.

"In a heart beat, Nik." I say and he nods.

"Then marry me." He says and my eyes grow.

"Pardon me?" I ask and he smiles.

He pulls me off the counter so that I'm standing in front of him. He gets down on his knee and I smile.

"Eva Grace Bass, will you make me the happiest man on god's green earth and marry me?" Nikki asks and I nod.

"Yes, of course." I say and he lights up.

"Thank god." He says and he stands up.

Nikki hugs me tightly and picks me up off the ground. I pick up his face and start to kiss him. God, I love this man! Nikki pulls back and smiles.

"I love you, Evie." He says and puts me back on my feet. "That's never going to change." Nikki promises as he sides the ring onto my finger.

"I love you so much, Nikki." I say and he smiles again.

I do. I really do. I love Nikki fucking Sixx! One day I'm going to be Mrs. Nikki Sixx and I can't wait.

Nikki knocks his forehead on mine and pulls me closer to him. I smile as I get lost in his pretty green eyes. I wrap my arms around his dance and we start sway lightly. Nikki laughs.

"I feel like this is how we're going to end up dancing on our wedding day." He says quietly and I smile.

"You know, I'd be okay with that." I admit just as quiet. "As long as I'm with you, Nik."

"Forever." Nikki promises in a whisper and kisses my lips.

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