Five Years Later

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What if you could look into a crystal ball and see the future? Would you look? I would mainly because I could've bet on my next five years.


Mötley Crüe is the biggest band on god's green earth. I am still absolutely in love with Nikki Sixx. My twin sister is married with a kid on the way. I've played in the World Cup twice now, winning bronze the first time and sliver the second. My life is nearly perfect.

Nikki and I have been living together for about four years now. It started out with moving into the apartment with him. After Shout At The Devil came out and Crüe got really big, we bought a house together. We've lived in our house since 1983 and everything has been completed perfect.

Ava had met this guy at a bar and it was like love at first sight. His name is David and he's in the military. He's sweet and treat Ava right. Tommy was just happy that his other little sister didn't start dating a band mate. They got married in 1985 and got pregnant about six months ago. This is the happiest I've ever seen Ava.

We're all moved out of my parents house but it seems that we always end up congregating there. Home base doesn't change I guess. Mom and dad don't mind us hanging out there all the time and we actually have dinner almost every Sunday night there, all of us. Ava and David, Amanda, Mick, Vince, Tommy, and Nikki and I.

I roll over in bed and into Nikki. He groans but wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead. The band is on a two week break from tour right now. They had gotten home early this morning, they're all sleep deprived.

"I miss you so much when we're on tour." Nikki mumbles sleepily.

"Yes all the groupie and screaming girls just must be painful for you." I joke and he laughs a bit.

"Evie, I'm serious. I don't know how much of this tour shit I can do without you." He says.

"You're off for two weeks, babe." I say and kiss his collar bone.

"Two weeks isn't enough to be around you, sweetheart." Nikki says and pulls me closer to him. "Would people be mad if we cancelled the rest of tour?"

That causes me to open my eyes. I look at my boyfriend with wide eyes and he's smirking at me. His hair has changed a bit so you can see his pretty green eyes.

"You can't cancel tour dates, babe." I say. "People love you, Nik, and I've got to share you. I guess." I say with a small smile.

"I just wanted you to open those big blue eyes." He says and leans down to kiss my lips. "You're just gonna have to fly your sexy ass out more often to see me."

"You'll have to keep your six stripper girlfriends at bay then." I joke and he smiles.

"Only six? Man I'm losing my touch." Nikki laughs and kisses my forehead. "I love you, Eva Grace."

"I love you, Nikki Sixx." I say and kiss his lips.

Later that day, we all head over to my mom and dad's because it's Sunday. When Nikki and I get there there's three bikes sitting in the driveway and David's sport utility. I hold Nikki's hand as we walk up to the door. We barley get in the door when my yanked away from Nikki.

"Princess!" Is yell as we spin.

I hug Vince while we spin and he sets me back on my feet.

"Staying out of trouble?" I wonder and he nods. "Really?"

"Yes. I'm a little hurt that you thought otherwise." Vince says and I roll my eyes.

"I'll ask Mick." I say and his eyes grow.

"Don't do that, he'll tell the truth." He says as we walk out to the backyard where everyone else is.

My dad is barbecuing with David, Ava, Amanda and my mom are sitting on patio chairs, Tommy and Mick are standing beside them drinking beer. This is normal for a Sunday in July. The three of us walk down to them and I hug Mick and my brother.

"Holy shit, Av." Nikki laughs. "You swallowed a beach ball."

Ava is six months pregnant and its starting to show. They're going to have a little boy and can't decide on a name. She's in pretty good humour about everything and now my twin makes fun of me for being so skinny.

"I know right!" She laughs.

We all sit down to eat dinner outside and we all start talking about anything and everything.

"You can't think of a baby name?" Vince asks and my twin sister nods. "Use Vince, tada, you have a name."

"No way! If you're gonna do that name the kid Tommy." My brother speaks up.

"Nah, name the kid Mick." The guitarist speaks up.

"Nah, name it Nikki!" My boyfriend speaks up.

"How would this, Sixx, you grow a pair and ask my sister to marry you I'll name my kid Nikki." My twin says.

"Wait, why didn't I get this option?" Vince wonders. "Princess, will ya marry me?"

"Stay away from her." Nikki jokes and brings me in closer to him.

Five years later and my life is perfect. It's like every depressed teenager's dream, to know that everything gets better and that high school hell doesn't last forever.

My life is absolutely perfect. I have a great family and the best boyfriend on gods green earth. It couldn't get better not even if I tried.

Nikki kisses my cheek.

"I love you so much." He mumbles in my ear and squeezes my shoulders.

I wrap my arms around his chest and hug him.

"I love you."

At this point I don't care if we ever get married. I just love him so much, we could live in sin until we die. I'd be happy with my choices to.

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