Eighteen Year Olds

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Ava and I walk up the other staircase so we're closer to the kitchen. We're also betting that the band is waiting at the top of the main staircase. It's our eighteenth birthday today and New Year's Eve. We get to the kitchen and sure as hell, there's the band waiting at the two of us to come upstairs.

Ava and I grab some fools from the fridge and sit on the counter, silently watching them. I wear my Stanford University rugby sweater that has my last name across my hips and has my number on the left sleeve, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of black Chuck Taylor's. I eat my grapes, sitting beside my twin who is eating something that looks like seamen.

We watch as Tommy looks to his band members.

"Where are they, it's nearly noon." He wonders. "C'mon, let's just go wake them up."

We laugh once they walk down the stairs. We hear Tommy freak out once they open the door. They march back up stairs and Tommy walks towards the phone.

"Where they hell would they have gone!" Tommy says.

I elbow my twin and she nods.

"Who are you looking for, Tommy?" I call as he picks up the phone.

He jumps, drops the phone and cusses. Ava and I laugh at him as Vince walks over to us. He kisses up both on the cheek and hugs us tightly.

"Happy birthday, little ones." He tells us.

Tommy, Mick, and Nikki all do the same thing. When Nikki kisses my cheek, I feel that feeling I felt the other night when we kissed for real in the bar. Like I want to kiss him right now, not caring who's around. I'm crazy about Nikki Sixx and it drives me mad that I know I can't. Nikki smiles at me and I smile back. Vince and Ava catches it all. I had told her about everything that happened and Vince and Mick obviously knew.

"Come on." Vince grabs my and Ava's hands.

"Where are we going?" We wonder in unison.

"I'm taking you out, wanna come Nik?" He wonders.

"Yeah, I'll come. Give me one." Nikki says and Vince gives him my hand.

"Where's out?" Twin and I say.

Nikki and Vince share a look before nodding. Nikki pulls my hand, pulling me up across his shoulders.

"Nikki!" I complain.

"Vince!" My sister complains.

"Okay, we're off." Vince says before trotting us outside.

"I hate men." I hear Ava mutter and I laugh.

We get to the mall and the four of us walk through the mall holding hands like idiots. I stand between Nikki and Vince, like always. As we walk, Vince bumps me into Nikki. Nikki bumps me back and they continue to play pinball with me as their ball. Vince bumps me too hard and Nikki steps forward. I fall pulling the other three to the ground. We laugh before picking ourselves back up.

Vince lights up as we walk past a store, he drags us into the store. Nikki, Ava, and I wait as Vince runs around the store picking up clothes before returning to us. Vince pulls us towards change rooms. He hands us clothes and pushes us into the rooms.

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