The Results

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"Nikki!" Is yelled and I jump up knocking my head on the inside of the fridge.

"Jesus Christ!" I say as I pull my head out of the fridge. "I didn't realize getting beer would be so goddamn dangerous."

Amanda and Tommy are standing in the kitchen behind me. That's weird they're usually not together. Unless...Did Tommy fucking fuck her! Mick will kill him. Hell, Evie will kill him. Tommy looks giddy like a little kid on Christmas Day or maybe he's just gonna piss himself, I can't be sure.

"Where's Evie?" Amanda wonders.

"Uhh, she said something about Ava and Vince dragging her to the mall." I rack my brain. "Why?"

"Because she and Amanda got these letters in the mail today and I wanna know if she made it." Tommy explains.

"We promised each other we'd open them together." Amanda explains and I smile.

"The letters from the rugby team?" I wonder and Mick's baby cousin nods happily. "Why don't ya just open Evie's letter?"

"And have her kill us?" Tommy wonders with a laugh. "You can but I'm not."

"Oh I'm not that stupid." I admit with a laugh.

Mick joins us and we talk for about twenty minutes before I hear Evie's charger pull up in front of the house. Vince, Evie, and Ava all walk in the front door. Evie walks over to me and goes up on her toes to kiss my kiss.

"Hey sweetheart." I say and kiss her forehead once she's back to begin flat footed.

"Hey babe." Evie smiles.

"So why, Vince, did you demand that Evie went to the mall with you?" Tommy wonders and Vince laughs.

"Well I had this idea-" he starts.

"Jesus." Tommy mumbles.

"Nothing like that! Jesus T-bone, don't ya trust me?" The singer wonders and I laugh.

"No, I don't." Tommy admits.

"Anyways just because Evie is your baby sister you might not want to know what my idea was." Vince smirks. "But you Nikki, hell, you're going to love my idea. Right, Evie?"

"I hate you." My girlfriend mutters and I smile.

"What's the idea, baby?" I question and kiss her cheek. "Hmm, baby?" I laugh and kiss her nose. "Where's the bag, baby?" I smirk and she half smiles.

"In the car." Evie admits and my eyes grow.

"Wanna go back to the--"

"No! No! Stop!" Tommy half pleads and I laugh.

"When we get to the apartment. As soon as we get to the apartment." I mumble the last part in her ear and I hear her giggle. "My girl." I kiss her ear and Tommy groans.

"Enough." He complains and I laugh. "And I swear to god, if you grab my sister's ass I will break your fingers and knock out all your teeth."

"Tommy, quit it." Evie complains and her big bad brother scowls.

"Hey Evie! We got our results!" Amanda cuts in and Evie laughs.

"Awesome!" She laughs.

We set Evie and Amanda up at the kitchen table across from each other. The four of us line the counter. Ava is standing in the corner with the video camera at such an angle where all of us are in the frame.

"Okay rugby players, open those letters." Ava calls and my girlfriend and Amanda share a look.

They rip open the envelopes and start to scan the letters. Amanda frowns and Evie looks up at her friend worried.

"I didn't make it." Amanda says quietly and Evie folds up her letter.

"Neither did I." She says and I frown. "There's always the next World Cup, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. Of course." Amanda half smiles. "Are you sure you read yours right, I mean school was never your strong suit."

"Are you sure you read yours right?" Evie wonders.

"Positive." She tells Evie and Evie nods.

"There's your answer." She states. "I'll even prove it to you."

Evie pulls the lighter from her pocket and lights the corner of the letter on fire. Amanda smiles and does the same. Tommy pulls his eyebrows together and takes the burning letter from Evie's hand. He blows the flame out and unfolds the charred letter.

"What the hell are you talking about, Evie? It says you made the cut." Her older brother says and Amanda looks at her.

"Why'd you say you didn't make it?" Her friend wonders.

"I'm not going without you, Amanda." Evie says.

"What happened to the dream, Eve?" Amanda questions.

"The dream was us playing on the US team. Not just me." Evie crosses her arms.

"You're not missing this." Amanda says. "Tommy, Vince, Nikki, Mick, Ava one of you talk some sense into her!"

"Evie, she's right." Tommy says quietly. "You'll never forgive yourself if you let this go by."

"Here's something I though I'd never say but Tommy is right, Princess." Vince says. "Princess, this is the World Cup. I think I heard you say one time that the rugby World Cup was the end all be all of rugby, only the best of the best make it. You made it, what does that say about you?"

"Its your dream, right Evie?" Mick wonders and she nods. "Then why is this such a hard choice?"

"What are you going do, Evie?" Ava wonders and her twin shifts uncomfortably.

"I'm not going without you, Amanda." Evie says quietly again.

"Eva listen up, you're going because if I can't live our dream, you've gotta. I can live vicariously through you, Evie." Amanda smiles.

"Nik, what does big bad boyfriend have to say about all of this?" Vince wonders.

"I uh, I'm gonna miss you like crazy but I don't think you should miss this, sweetheart." I lock eyes with my girlfriend and those big blue eyes question everyone and everything.

"I uh, I umm." Evie manages to get out after a while. "I need to think."

With that Evie pushes up from the table and grabs her keys from the counter. She marches up to the front door and slams it on her way out. That 572 Hemi roars to life and we hear Evie fly way.

We all look at each other dumbfounded. None of what just happened is even registering.

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