Keeping Things Quiet

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"Hey Evie, you'll never guess who's on the phone." Ava calls from the kitchen.

It's been about a month of secretly dating Nikki and trying my damnedest to keep Tommy at bay. Vince, Mick, and Ava all help with that. They all really wanted us together and always draw Tommy's attention long enough for Nikki and I to kiss or sneak out or whatever. They're really good about helping. Just Vince always likes to embarrass the two of us in front of Tommy and watch us try to cover it up.

Take yesterday for example (Vince didn't even start this one, he just made it worse), we were sitting in the living room watching baseball. We being Tommy, Vince, Nikki, Ava, and I. Since our boys are pretty close to being teenage girls as it stands right now, why shouldn't they gossip about each other's personal life. Tommy had asked Nikki if he's gotten action lately. When Nikki answered yes, Tommy was fine with that, Vince started asking all these questions.
"Is she hot?"
"Hold old is she?"
"Old enough."
"Was she any good?"
"What its a question!"

Every time Nikki answered a question, Vince would not so casually look over at me. I could've shot him.

"Who?" I wonder and Ava smiles.

"Danny." She says simply and I light up.

"Danny like 'Cut Throat Challenger' Danny?" I wonder and she nods. "When he get out of prison?"

I'm not friends with convicted criminals for the most part. Danny isn't a bad guy, he didn't shoot anyone up or rob a bank. He's just a street racer. In high school I met up with him and a couple of others, they liked my car. I can't say I blame them, 1969 Dodge Charger, it is gorgeous! And fast! 572 Hemi in it and wet direct port nitrous that pushes close to 3000 horse with a push of a button. It's crazy fast. It's safe to, I have a roll cage installed and it's safe enough to drive on the road.

Every month these crazy car freaks would meet in the middle of nowhere are run quarter mile races. When I went down, I cleaned house. In eleventh grade, I had the fastest car in our area, maybe even all of California I'm not sure though. Some narc let it slip to the cop where everyone would be and what exactly we were doing. Most of us got away, Danny and about four other all got charged and served time in prison.

"Hello?" I say into the receiver.

"How's it been Evie?" His Boston accent rings through the phone. "Still have that mean machine?"

"You know it." I smile.

"Tonight, same place same time. Hundred dollar buy in. You in?" Danny wonders.

"Hell yeah, I am." I admit and he laughs.

"See ya then." Danny says. "No cops this time."

"Good." I say. "I'll see you then."

I hang up the phone and head out to the garage. I start to tinker with my car and make sure that everything is in check for tonight. Then I remember the fact that my car likes to hike up the front end. I go to my trunk and see that my wheelie bar still sits where it usually does with the proper sized wrench so I can bolt it on and go.

The only problem with racing is that Tommy can't know, I guess it's a lot like dating Nikki. Tommy would kill me if he knew, for both of them! Finds out I'm racing, I'm dead. Finds out I'm dating his bassist, well we're both dead. At this point, I'm going to hell for it all. I might as well have fun.

I open the garage door and turn on the radio. I turn it up as loud as I can with the bass rattling the tools mounted on the walls. I check the air pressure in all for tires before jacking my car up to take a look underneath.

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