His Angel

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I roll over and I see that I'm in Nikki's room. My head is killing me. I get up and I pull on the first shirt I find. I look at myself in the mirror that hangs on the back of the door, it's one of Nikki's shirts.

I open the door and head out into the kitchen, I reach up to get the pain killers from the cabinet but I can't fucking reach. Even on my tiptoes. I hear laugher behind me and I turn back. Nikki had gotten out of the shower and is now laughing his ass off.

"Nikki." I complain and he laughs harder. "You aren't going to help me?"

Nikki laughs again before reaching up to grab me the pain killers. He hands them to me and kisses my cheek.

"Head hurt or something?" He wonders as I swallow the pills.

"Yeah." I admit and he laughs kissing my forehead.

"Shouldn't have drank that much last night." Nikki tells me and I scowl.

"I didn't drink that much." I admit and he laughs. "I'm going to go shower."

When I walk out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and my hair in a ponytail ten minutes later, Nikki is trying to cook. He turns around and smiles at me.

"You know I think there's laws against going out in public like that." He says. "But being in here there's laws against wearing towels."

Nikki walks over and starts to kiss me but I pull anyway and he scowls.

"I'll go put on clothes then." I smirk and he makes a face.

"You're an asshole." Nikki says and I laugh.

"Yeah." I say as I walk back into the bedroom.

I have several articles of clothing that have made home at Nikki's. I open up the bottom drawer where I know my clothes are. I pull on my underwear and a bra before a pair of jean shorts and a Alice Cooper shirt.

I walk back out into the kitchen and sit on the counter. I watch Nikki make bacon and eggs quietly. I pull my legs up so I'm sitting crisscross applesauce and Nikki stands in front of me after he turns off the stove. He leans in and kisses me softly.

"You're beautiful." Nikki says quietly.

"You're perfect." I tell him and I kiss his cheek.

"You tell me that enough, it ought to be true." Nikki laughs. "When are you off tonight?"

"I go in for ten and get off at two." I tell him and he nods.

"I'll be there to pick you up, I promise." He tells me and I smile.

"You can sleep, baby. I can just--" Nikki shuts me up quickly with a kiss.

"I'll be there. I don't like the way the owner watches you." He says and his hands run up and down my sides. "Only I can look at you like that."

"What outfit do you want me to wear tonight?" I wonder and he smirks.

"The red one." Nikki says. "Let's go eat."

I sit on the counter with my plate on my left and Nikki stands in front of me with his plate and my right. Every once in a while he'll kiss me or try to eat my food. I made the mistake of kissing him while he was trying to shovel food into his mouth and his fork barley missed my face. We ended up just laughing about it.

After we finish eating, I start to do the dishes because in my family the cook doesn't clean (my mom's rule to get me and my siblings to do the dishes). Nikki wraps me up from behind and starts to kiss my neck. It quickly moves to biting and sucking in my neck. I start to moan and Nikki laughs.

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