Rugby and First Tattoos

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"Hey Evie, this came in the mail this morning." Tommy says and hands me the letter.

Before I can even open it Amanda busts in the back door happily with Mick in toe. She looks at me and the envelope in my hands. Im still not 100% sure what the fuck happened but the both us us ended up on the floor.

"Evie did you open your letter yet?" She wonders as I sit up.

"No dumbass you just attacked me." I say as I flip open the letter to see who it's from.

The US Women's Rugby Team. Jesus fucking Christ. I look up at Tommy who is sitting on the counter smiling like a jackass at me.

"If this is a joke, I'll kill you." I say as Nikki and Vince walk in.

"Give her the letter yet?" Vince wonders.

"Evie, I promise this isn't a joke." My older brother tells me as my twin runs in with a video camera.

"Did I miss it? Did I miss it?" Ava wonders and Nikki laughs.

"No you didn't." He says and looks over to me. "Just open it, sweetheart."

I flip over the letter and rip the seal open. I scan the letter about four times before I actually get the meaning of the letter. They want me to try out. I feel my eyes double in size. I drop the letter and move back away from it. My friends and family laugh.

"What does it say, Princess?" Vince wonders with a smile.

"They want me to try out, team USA wants me to try out." I say and look over to Amanda. "You to?"

"Me to." She laughs. "Talk about living the dream, huh Evie?"

"Yeah really." I say looking at the letter again.

"When's tryouts, twin?" Ava wonders.

"Uh, two weeks in Anaheim." I say as I read the letter. "Jesus they want us to try out!" I nearly yell at Amanda and she laughs.

"Told ya we were fucking good!" Amanda hugs me and we laugh.

"Hey! What about us?" Vince wonders and the band starts to walk over.

Tommy comes over to me first and picks me up hugging me tightly.

"I'm so proud of you, Evie!" He tells me and puts me back on my feet.

Vince and Mick are next to hug me and basically tell me the exact same thing. Just Vince spins me around and yells in my ear but that's Vince. Nikki is last which he didn't seem too happy about. Nikki picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. He starts to kiss me and I hear everyone giggling like school children. Nikki pulls away after a while and kisses my nose.

"I'm so proud of you." He tells me quietly. "So very proud."

Nikki puts me down and Tommy takes the camera from Ava. My twin comes over and hugs me.

"Told you that you're good at something, Eve." She tells me and I pull back from her.

"You gonna cry or something?" I smirk and she laughs.

"I'm just really happy for you Evie, it's your dream." Ava tells me and I smile.

We all get calmed down and sit in the living room. I sit between Niki and Vince like I always do. Ever since Nikki and I got together it's a little different, I don't know if Nikki thinks Vince will try to hit on me or something but when he wraps his arm around me it's pretty possessively.

Ava runs upstairs and throws a sketch book at me, it lands in my lap and I look up.

"What the hell is that?" She asks.

"It's a sketch book, Av." I tell her and she scowls.

"I mean the contents." Ava says and I open my book.

I flip through the book and instantly recognize what it is. My art teacher always used to assign this project at the beginning of the semester and it was due at the end. We had to give the sketch book a theme and fill it with drawing that follows the theme. Eleventh grade was tattoos I'd get with my sister if she wasn't a chicken shit.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" She wonders.

"Didn't you read the title? You're scared of needles and everything. Av, you wouldn't even go with me to get my tramp stamp." I say and Tommy shifts uncomfortably.

"Can we not call it that?" Tommy wonders and Vince laughs.

"What would you want it to be called?" The singer wonders.

"I don't want to have this conversation." My brother mumbles.

"Well I'm going to prove you wrong, Eva Grace." Ava says proudly. "Should I say night?"

Night and Day was a tattoo I had designed to go on wrist. I smile and look at my twin.

"Can I record this?" I wonder. "You're going to cry like a little bitch."

Forty five minutes and my identical twin screaming her head off one room over. We have twin little tattoos on our wrist. Vince has it all on video, Nikki was laughing his ass off while sitting with me in the tattoo room. Like the last time I was here, Nikki gets pretty protective around the tattoo artist. On the bright side the artist isn't around my front this time.

After the tattoos get down its pretty late so Nikki and I head back to his apartment. We're sitting on the couch watching tv, I reach up and kiss his cheek.

"I love you." I tell him and he smiles.

"I love you to, sweetheart." Nikki says. "I can't believe Ava actually went through with the tattoo."

"Yeah she's pretty stubborn." I say and he laughs.

"You're talking?" He asks and I smile. "You're like the most stubborn person I know."

"Am not." I say.

"Are to." Nikki laughs.

"Am not." I say and Nikki laughs.

"See?" He asks and I yawn.

"I'm going to bed." I say and I stand up.

"So I win?" Nikki asks and I kiss his lips quickly.

"Not even close." I smile and he smacks my ass as I walk away. "Goodnight to you to." I laugh.

"Sweet dreams, babe. I'll be in shortly." Nikki promises.

"Promise?" I say as I stand in the doorway.

"Always." Nikki smiles at me.

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