Screw A Knight In Shining Armour

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"Nikki, I promise that I'm fine." I say into the phone while I ice my knee.

I tricked it during the game today but we won bronze! The knee is a little sore but other than that I'm sure it's fine. I didn't go to the trainer because they would've made a huge deal out of it, it was bad enough they thought I had a concussion. Luckily I was able to brush them off and keep playing.

"You know I won't believe you until I can look at the knee myself." My boyfriend says into the phone and I smile.

"I know, babe. Just two more days." I say. "I miss you so much."

"Sweetheart, I miss you to." Nikki says. "I just want you in my arms where I know you're safe."

"Nikki." I start.

"Don't Nikki me, baby." He laughs. "I know you can hold your own but you'll always be the safest when you're with me."

"Did I ever tell you what I told Ava just after we got together?" I wonder.

"I don't think so." He says and I smile.

"I said how I'd take my sexy leather wearing, bass playing, Harley riding boyfriend over a knight in shining armour on a Clydesdale any day." I say and I can hear his smile all the way from Los Angeles.

"I don't need a princess that's locked in a tower that needs me to save her." Nikki says. "I have my badass, tattoo covered, rugby goddess that carries a switchblade on her hip." I smile.

"I miss my switchblade. I left it in my room because I knew they'd never let me out of the country with it." I laugh and so does Nikki. "I love you so much, Nikki."

"Sweetheart, I love you." He reminds me and I smile. "Did I ever tell you what I first thought of you?"

"I don't think so." I say.

"Well you came upstairs ready to murder Tommy. I thought that was funny as hell. I couldn't see your face until you looked up at your brother was was threatening to kill him if I remember correctly. You had blue ink smeared all over your bottom lip. As angry as you were and as much as you look like you gave head to a smurf, I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world. And that I really wanted to jump you but Tommy would've killed me." Nikki tells me the story and I smile.

"I thought you were the hottest guy I've ever seen." I admit and he laughs. "You have the most gorgeous green eyes, Nikki. I thought that from the very beginning."

"God Evie." Nikki sighs. "I had no idea two weeks was gonna be this hard. I feel like I haven't seen you in a year and a half."

"I know what you mean." I say. "I think it's the time difference."

"What time is it there?" He wonders and I look at the clock.

"It's almost midnight." I sigh. "What time is it there?"

"Almost seven at night." Nikki says. "The show starts in two hours and my good luck charm is in Australia."

"It's the last show before I get back Nikki." I remind him. "Show them how to play, Nik."

"I will, baby. You should get some rest." He says and I frown. "Don't try to argue me either. I know you need rest."

"I can't wait to hold you." I say quietly. "The nightmares are bad here."

"Only two more nights, sweetheart." Nikki tells me. "I love you, Eva Grace Bass."

"I love you, Nikki Sixx." I say.

"Sweet dreams, my angel." He tells me.

"Play a great show, babe." I say.

"I will. Goodnight, my love." Nikki says.

"Goodnight, Nikki. I love you." I say.

"I love you so much." Nikki says. "Now get some sleep and call me in the morning when you wake up."

"It'll be like two thirty in the morning." I say.

"Evie, don't worry." He says.

"I'll talk to you soon." I say and I hear the phone disconnect.

I put the bag of ice into the bathroom sink and brush my teeth. I curl up in bed and look at the picture that sits in my bedside table.

It's a picture of Nikki and I, I can't remember where it was taken or who took it but I love it. I think it was taken at a bar but whatever. Nikki's hands are on my hips and my arms are around his neck. We're just looking at each other. I love this picture because you can see how in love we are, we can't even look away from each other.

I take the picture in my hands and kiss my boyfriend's face. I hug it to my chest as a couple of years roll down my cheeks.

Just two more nights.

I sit the picture back on the beside table and blow a kiss at it.

"Goodnight Nikki." I mumble before closing my eyes.

Just two more nights.

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