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I walk up the stairs from my from the basement. I straighten my jacket as I get to the top of the stairs.

I'm finally going to have a date with Nikki, we almost have to after last night. We told each other everything, how I've been in love with since the moment I met him. We also we kinda had sex, on his motorcycle, in the middle of the desert. I couldn't sleep at all last night, I told Ava everything and she kept saying that she told me so. My twin is an asshole sometimes. But God, I'm happy!

"Don't we look pretty?" Tommy calls from the living room, Vince smirks at me. That asshole knows everything.

"Do I?" I ask.

"Where are we going all sexy?" Vince wonders.

You know asshole. Now wipe that shit eating grin off your face. I roll my eyes.

"The mall." I say simply.

"With?" Tommy wonders.

"I'm meeting twin." I say.

"Looking like that?" My brother wonders.

"Tommy I'm clothed." I say as I grab my car keys. "I'm off boys, don't kill each other."

I get out to my charger and pull out of my driveway. I head towards the ice cream shop that Nikki told me to meet him at. I turn up the radio and drum the wheel. I hum along with Robert Plant as I drive.

I pull into the ice cream shop and instantly see Nikki. He leans against the brick wall of the shop smoking a cigarette. I park my car and walk up to him. Nikki smiles when I get to him and he puts out the smoke. His hands go on my hips and Nikki leans down to kiss me, I go up on my toes to meet him. I wrap my arms around his shoulder and he stands up, pulling me from my feet. His tongue slips into my mouth and leans into the wall. When we pull back we're both out of breath.

"You look beautiful." Nikki tells me before nuzzling into my neck. "Come on."

He grabs my hand and we walk into the ice cream shop. We order, get our food, then go to sit in a booth. We sit close to each other and my legs sat on top of his. I can feel his breath on my neck as I eat and I smile.

"I love you." Nikki says in my ear and I smile.

"I love you." I respond and he kisses my cheek.

"You're brother is gonna kill me." He says with a smirk. "I'll die happy."

We finish our ice cream and walk out of the shop. Nikki holds my hand as we walk down the path that leads to the beach. I bring his hand up and kiss his hand. I hear him laughs and kiss my hair.

"Are we ever going to tell your brother?" Nikki wonders.

"Hopefully. It's gonna be hard to be around each other when Tommy is around." I say and he laughs.

"Yeah, I won't be able to kiss you whenever I want." He smiles at me. "I did it for a year, I think I'll be okay for a little while longer."

"But baby, Tommy isn't here right now." I smirk and he lights up.

"The point you have, sweetheart." Nikki smirks.

He leans down to kiss me again but he only brushes his lips on mine.

"Fucking tease." I mutter and he laughs. His thumb runs across the scar on my lip.

"I love this cute little scar." Nikki says quietly. "What the hell did you do?"

"Tried to eat a broken beer bottle." I admit. "I was two."

"You are a strange one Eva Grace." He smiles and kisses me again.

My toes curl in my red Chuck Taylor's and I feel like if I don't hold onto him, I'd float away. I've been dreaming about this for about a year in change. Nikki's hands run up my sides and I smile into his mouth. Nikki pulls away and smiles at me.

"Happy about something?" He wonders and I smile.

"I'm just on cloud nine." I admit and Nikki laughs.

"You should try being me, sweetheart." Nikki kisses my forehead. "Wanna go back to my place?"

"Lead the way." I smile.

I follow Nikki to his apartment and he waits for me to park. Nikki starts kissing me as soon as my door opens. I step out on the car with my mouth on his. My door gets slammed and I'm pushed against it. Literally being pinned against him and the car. Nikki pulls away and starts to pull me towards the building, up a flight of stairs, and up to his door. We get in the door and Nikki pulls my jacket off, followed by my shirt. He starts to kiss my neck and collar bone. I get pulled closer to him while he kisses me and I arch my back. He tugs at my pants while I pull his jacket and shirt off. Nikki walks me backwards and puts me down on his bed. It's more comfortable than his bike. Nikki and I both take a break to take off our shoes that we can't just kick off. I sit on Nikki's lap and he lays down with me on top of him. He pulls my pants down as I suck his neck, biting it once in a while making him moan. My pants get thrown and I start to mess with his belt, at this point to feel like his belt buckle is a rubric cube. I finally get the belt undone and I push his pants down leaving him Klein's. Nikki rolls over do he's on top of me and starts to kiss my neck and collar bone again, leaving hickies of course. Jesus, how am I gonna hide those from Tommy? I pull his face back up and start kissing him. His hands travel the waist band of my underwear. He finally pulls them down.

God, I hope Vince has Tommy occupied.

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