Trouble in Paradise

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"You look like a bottle of Pepto Bismo." I say as I sit on the couch of the stupid dress store Ava dragged me to.

"This is why I brought you, you always tell me the truth." Ava says and goes back into the change room.

My stomach kills, on the lower right side of my abomination. I'm probably getting my period or something. I don't know.

Ava had dragged me out dress shopping because of the fact that she has a date tonight and she thinks Mark is going to ask her to marry him, he said that he had something important to talk to her about. Who wants to be married at eighteen? I don't even pretend to understand her.

We shop for about an hour--the longest and most uncomfortable hour of my life--before Ava decides at on a blue dress that falls to her knee, at least she doesn't look like a bottle of heartburn medication.

We drive back to the house and I pull into the garage. Ava goes inside with her dress and I sit on a stool in the garage organizing my sockets. I hear a motorcycle pull up and I look to see Nikki.

I stand up and he walks over to me, Nikki instantly starts kissing me. My stomach is still  killing me. I pull away and I put my head on his chest. Nikki kisses my hair.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He wonders.

"My stomach is killing me." I say and I look up at him.

"Where?" Nikki asks putting his hand up my shirt to my stomach.

I move his hand so it's right where it hurts and Nikki rubs the spot. His open arm still holds me close to his chest and I snake my arms around him. Nikki kisses my forehead and two more bikes pull up.

"Mr and Mrs Sixx getting it on in the garage I see." Vince calls as I turn around.

"Fucking asshole." I mumble as he picks me up spinning me around.

"How are we today, Princess?" Vince wonders.

"I'm good." I lie and I hope Vince doesn't catch it. I feel like shit.

"Work tonight?" Vince wonders, I guess he didn't catch it.

"Yeah." I say as Tommy pulls up.

We shoot the shit for a while before going into the house. Upon get going in the house I get cold. I run to the laundry room and pull one of Tommy's sweaters over my head. I sit back down on the couch and Vince smirks.

"Cold?" He wonders.

"Kinda." I admit and he laughs.

"It's nearly June." Vince says and feels my forehead. "You're kinda warm, are you sure you're feeling okay?"

"Yeah." I assure him and he nods, not exactly believing it.

If you were wondering my stomach is still trying to murder me.

We talk on into the afternoon, Nikki and Vince both looking at me knowing something is wrong. At about two thirty, Tommy realizes that he's hungry. He asks us if we're hungry, after we all say no Tommy looks at me.

"The day Evie Bass isn't hungry is the day I fuck my drum kit." He says and I shrug.

"Get to fucking, I'm not hungry." I say

I head to work later that night and Ava heads off to her date. I push through the pain and the freezing cold to do my job. At about nine o'clock the boys show up and they do their usual song and dance.

Nikki will say he's going to grab a table and Vince will talk to Tommy long enough for Nikki to come in, kiss me, and go to the table.

Nikki walks in as I'm walking back to the crash. He cuts me off and kisses me, his hand finding the sore spot on my stomach.

"Does it still hurt?" Nikki wonders and I nod.

"I'm sure it's nothing, Nikki." I say but he doesn't look convinced.

Nikki kisses my forehead before going over to their usual table.

After about an hour of drinking, Tommy finds a girl and leaves with her. The pain in my stomach has gotten a million times worse, I can't bare to stand up straight. I slide down the inside kitchen wall and curl into a ball. I hug my knees to my chest and tears of pure pain roll down my face.

"I have to get up, I have to keep working." I say to myself after a really long, painful time.

Before I could even get up, Nikki, Vince, Mick, and Ava were in the backroom. Nikki got down to my level.

"One of the bus boys said you were in some bad pain." He says quietly. "Is it your stomach?" I nod. Nikki looks up at Vince. "Go call an ambulance." I sit up straighter.

"No, no, no, no." I say and Nikki shakes his head.

"Baby, we're going to be right their with you." He promises me. "We won't let anything happen to you."

I nod because I believe him. Nikki's hand wraps around mine and I look up at Ava.

"What happened to your date?" I wonder and she brushes it off.

"Worry about you right now, Evie." Ava tells me as the ambulance arrives.

The get me to lay down on the stretcher and Ava gets in the ambulance with me. Nikki kisses my forehead and promises me that he's right behind the ambulance. That's all I remember before I black out from the pain.


I pace the waiting room. I should've made her go to the doctors sooner, I know something was wrong and I didn't do anything about it. I let Evie tell me she was fine when I knew she wasn't.

The doctors had rushed her to surgery, her appendix was about to explode and kill her. I can't lose her, we can't lose her.

Evie is everything to us. She's my girlfriend, Tommy's little sister, Ava's twin sister, Vince's best friend, and Mick's cousin (through Amanda who is like her sister). Evie is the glue that holds the lot of us together, we say it's music but it's not. Evie brings all of us together.

Tommy and Ava sit on a chairs looking paler than a piece of paper, their parents sit with similar looks on their faces. They aren't watching anything, they're starring blackly at the wall.

I've gotta talk to him. If Evie pulls through this, I'm never going to let go of her again. It's gonna piss her off but I'm not ready to lose her. I've gotta tell Tommy that I love his baby sister with every single cell in my body.

"Hey Tommy?" I say and he looks up. "Come on." I say and I walk towards the door.

We stand in the darkness, the only light is the Stars and the street lamps.

"Tommy, man, I'm crazy about Evie." I say quickly. Tommy looks at me.

"You're what?" He says a little too calmly.

"I'm in love with her and she loves me and we've been together for about a month." I explain and he studies me.

"Well it's about time!" Tommy smiles brightly.

What the hell? Is he drunk off his ass?

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