Pure Happiness

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At four minutes after four in the morning on March 15, 1988, Natalie Grace Sixx was born. Ten minutes later her little sister Bella Eva Sixx was born. They weight four and a half pounds each. They had little bits of dark hair and bluey green eyes. They screamed and screamed and I was never that happy to hear screams in my life.

Nikki sits beside me holding onto Bella while I hold onto Natalie. They're so small and fragile. He smiles at me.

"You did it, sweetheart." Nikki says quietly. "I told you that they were going to be beautiful like you."

"I don't know, Nik. I still think they'll look like you." I say and he laughs.

"You're beautiful, Evie." He says and kisses my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you to, Nikki." I say and out my head on his shoulder.

"I love Bella and Natalie." My husband says and kisses out daughters heads.

A knock comes on the door and Vince opens it.

"We heard voices so we assumed we could come in." He explains himself and we laugh.

"I didn't think we knocked at all." Nikki says as everyone flies in. "So everyone, we'd like you to meet. Bella Eva and Natalie Grace."

"Oh my god." Ava smiles. "They're gorgeous." She says and Nikki hands her Bella.

Tommy awkwardly stands in the doorway and I smile.

"Tommy, do you want to hold your niece?" I wonder and he lights up.

"Can I?" He wonders and I nod.

"Just watch her head, Tommy." I say and he smiles.

"I won't hurt her, Eves." Tommy laughs. "Took care of you and Ava didn't I?"

"Because I'm sure your parents had nothing to do with that." Vince laughs.

Our twins get passed around the room and everyone is completely smitten with them. I yawn and put my head on Nikki's shoulder.

"Tired, babe?" He wonders and kisses my forehead.

"Yeah." I admit. "Everyone else looks really tired to."

"Yeah." Nikki says as he looks around the room at our family that is pushing through extreme exhaustion. "Hey guy!" My husband calls and everyone looks up. "Go home and get some sleep. The twins will be here in the morning and you all look like hell."

Everyone says goodbye and Nikki and I are handed our children back. No one leaves before the nurse snaps a picture of our twisted little family. Ava had perviously snapped dozens of pictures of Nikki and I with Bella and Natalie.

Once everyone is gone Nikki puts our baby daughter in their little incubators things that are sitting on the side of the bed. Nikki then lays down beside me and I snuggle into him. His arms wrap around me and he whispers in my ear as I fall asleep.

"I love you, Eva."

"My beautiful Eva."

"My whole wide world."

"The love of my life."

I smile as I drift off to sleep knowing that I'm the luckiest girl on god's green earth.


Evie is fast asleep when I crawl out of the bed. I'm quickly replaced by Evie cuddling into a pillow. I kiss her forehead and move her hair away from her face. She's beautiful, even when she's been up since the wee hours of the morning, cried her eyes out, screamed at the top of her lungs, and pushed out our twin Angels. My beautiful wife.

I walk over to the incubators that hold Bella and Natalie. They're fast asleep and I smile. They're beautiful like their mom. They have this mix between my green eyes and Evie's crystal blue eyes that is the most stunning combination ever. I thought I loved a person as much as I possibly could when it came to Evie. Now I love Bella, Natalie, and Evie so much more than I ever did before.

"Hi baby girls." I say quietly. "I'm your daddy. I love you two and your mother more than anything. I promise you that I will never stop loving you three. I love you more than bass, then tour, then fame, money, and fortune. You three are my whole wide world. Your mommy is the most beautiful woman on this planet, I mean she does have a twin sister but she's always been different and has always had my heart. You have the weirdest uncles on this planet, Uncle Vince, Uncle Tommy, and Uncle Mick. Tommy and Vince are more strange than Mick, Mick is really laid back. They all love you very much. You will always, always, always be loved, Bella Eva and Natalie Grace."

I can't wipe this stupid grin off my face. I'm the happiest luckiest man on this planet. I have a great band, a beautiful wife, and two perfect baby daughters. To think it all started because I met this kid who needed a bass player. I just happen to fall for that kid's baby sister.

The End.

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