Last Game

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I miss everyone like crazy, I'm glad that in two days I get to go home. I miss my stupid older brother. I miss my irritating twin sister. I miss the blond idiot that calls me Princess. I miss my boyfriend. I miss my parents. And I miss Mick. My pain in the ass siblings and best friend, Mick, Nikki, and my parents are always in my thoughts.

It's the last game of the World Cup, our final game is against the team from Greece. Remember how I said that that mom was Greek? With that I have picked up some of the Greek language and that basically means I know enough to talk to my pappoo and my yia-yia (my Greek grandparents) and to cruse at my siblings.

Amanda and I get sent for the coin flip and two girls from the Greek team go to represent their team. The Greeks are identical twins with the number six and seven, twin flankers. They laugh and giggle and talk in Greek.

What I get from the conversation they're completely making fun of us. They say how their team is the best in the world and how they're going to win. They describe their game winning play in pretty good detail and I smile. Amanda nudges me and I smile and nod.

"Okay who's calling?" The Australian referee asks.

"Them." One of the twins say with a thick Greek accent, it reminds me of my mother's.

"Heads." Amanda calls as he throws the coin.

"Heads it is." The ref says.

We shake hands and I look at the twins in the eyes. I smile and say good luck in Greek. I watch as their expressions do a one eighty flip. Now I know why the coach sent us over.


It's some ungodly hour but it's the last game of the World Cup. I miss Evie more than anything. Vince, Mick, Ava, Tommy, and their parents all sit in the living room watching the game. It's half time and the girls are losing by a kick. If they win this game they get bronze, if they lose they don't place at all.

I didn't realize how much time I've spent with Evie since we got together until she was gone. I'm nearly always with Evie! Now that's she's gone I don't know what to do with myself. Even if we weren't doing anything that Tommy would kill me for, we were always together. Talking or joking around or watching scary movies or something. Evie is more than just my girlfriend, she's my best friend to.

Team USA runs back onto the field and Evie grabs the ball from the referee. She looks back at her team before kicking the ball into the sea of Greeks. The team chases the ball and gain yards.

A couple of breakdowns later they're within ten meters of the try line. Evie picks the ball and runs towards the try line. My tiny girlfriend weaves in and out and around the Greek team and runs into the end zone setting the ball down. She scored!

We all cheer and Vince and Tommy yell at screen like Evie can hear them.

"Go Evie!" Tommy yells to his little sister.

"Yay Princess!" Vince yells as she makes the try.

Evie stands in the end zone while her team rushes over to her. She smiles and you can see her black mouth guard with fangs painted on it. She adjusts the big black knee brace and Amanda wraps her arms around Evie. Evie always says that knee brace is like painting a target on her bad knee but nothing bad has happened yet.

I shouldn't have said that.

The game is almost and the girls are winning by two tries (one scored by Evie and the other scored by Amanda). Evie puts the ball into the scrum and runs around to get it. She grabs the ball and runs around the scrum to fire it to the number ten. Before she can the flanker from the Greek team tackles her at the knee.

Evie is pretty small so she flys over this girl's shoulder and lands on her back. I really don't like the way her neck snaps against the pitch. She forces herself to sit up and the flanker goes to the sin bin.

Evie sits on her one foot and her braced leg is out in front of her. The trainer, ref, and Amanda all stand around her. She pulls her mouth guard and sips water. The microphone on the camera picks up their conversation.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" The trainer asks.

"Four." Evie mutters and hold her head. "I'm fine. I can keep playing."

"Evie, swallow your pride for once." Tommy mumbles.

"How does your knee feel?" The trainer wonders.

"Fantastic." She states. "Now can we continue the game."

Evie stands up and puts her mouth guard back in her mouth. The trainer nods and walks off the field. Amanda says something to Evie and my girlfriend nods.

They end up winning bronze at the World Cup and we all start to go back to bed. When I wake up again, I'm going to call Evie and congratulate her. I'm also going to ask her about her knee because I don't believe that everything is okay with it.

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