Ava's First Drink

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We all sit in the bar before it opens. I watch as Evie gets things organized. I love watching her work, Evie is so insanely focused. Evie wears a pair of dark ripped jeans, a Rolling Stones shirt, and a pair of Chuck Taylor's. Her black hair sits on top of her head in a ponytail and her bangs over one of her crystal blue eyes. Your can see the gold earrings and that line her ears for once. They would have to get caught in her hair right? I smile as I watch her arrange bottles and grab her notepad.

"Tommy, you ever going to get used to Nikki drooling over your baby sister?" Mick smirks and I'm brought back to what's going one.

"I'm not drooling." I mumble and Vince laughs.

"No I think the thing he isn't going to get used to is seeing Nikki in the morning." Ava laughs and Tommy and I look away.

Ava had spent the night with her grandmother and Tommy had hooked up with some broad, Evie and I thought it was safe to spend the night at their house. For the record, it was decided by all three parties that I would never happen again. It was like two thirty in the morning and after what we were doing I needed a drink. Well I wasn't wearing very much clothing considering her parents were dead asleep when we came home. So I walked up the stairs right as Tommy walked in the front door. I wasn't wearing much more than my Klein's. We just stared at each because he knew that  I knew he knew what I just did to his little sister. Then I started talking.
"Thought you hooked up with that girl." I started.
"I thought I did to but she just wanted to kiss and cuddle. Then her boyfriend came home and it was this whole shit show." Tommy kinda laughs. "Don't you look pretty tonight, Sixx. You working out or something?" I roll my eyes and go into the kitchen. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and go back downstairs.
This morning when we all woke back up, the three of us, Tommy, Evie, and I, decided that it would be best if we just spent nights at my place where I can wander around in my underwear as I please.

"We agreed that wasn't going to happen anymore, right Sixx?" Tommy wonders and I nod.

"Yeah, you weren't the one in Klein's." I state.

"No but I had to see you in them." Tommy smirks. "I don't know why Evie is so--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Vince cuts in. "There's somethings I don't need to you about you fine jackasses."

"Hey, Amanda just walked in. Neither of them have noticed each other." Ava says.

Sure enough, Amanda's five foot four inches on long blonde hair and copper coloured eyes is getting herself organized at the bar. I look across the room to my girlfriend who is taking chairs off tables and placing them properly.

"They are best friends, how haven't they noticed each other yet?" Mick wonders.

"It's because they're best friends." Tommy says. "They're so used to seeing each other that even when they go for a long ass time without seeing each other it's still normal to see each other."

Vince looks at his empty beer bottle that he swiped from the bar.

"Am I drunk or did that make sense?" He asks.

I look over to Evie and she's walking back up towards the bar. Amanda is walking towards the bathrooms at the other side of the bar. They're going to pass each other.

"Heard you almost died." Amanda said when she walks past.

"I did nearly die." Evie answers as they pass.

It takes them exactly three steps to realize who they passed. I watch as both Evie and Amanda have a smile cross their face. They walk backwards and hug each other tightly.

"There it is!" Mick and Tommy say together.

The rugby playing friends take a few minutes to catch up before going back to work. Amanda plugs in the open sign as Evie carries her tray over with beer for us. She places beer in front of us and Vince places his empty one back on her tray. Evie rolls her eyes.

"You keep stealing beer, you're going to get me canned." She smiles then turns to her sister. "Are you sure you don't want anything, twin head?"

"No, I'm eighteen." Ava states and her twin makes a face. "I'm not the legal drinking age."

"Ava, poor innocent, Ava." Evie smirks. "I've gotta work." She says before pressing her lips to mine.

"Where's mine?" Vince mocks hurt but it's drowned out but something else.

"How long has that been going on?" Amanda yells from the bar.

"April!" Evie yells back with a smile.


The night starts to fly away with tons of bar patrons wanting endless brews and bottomless shots. Amanda is working the bar tonight so I'm all alone on waitressing. I bring the third round of beers to Crüe's table. That's when I notice all the colour drain from my baby sister's face. I look over my shoulder to see Mark and his ditsy, blond, penny whore of a girlfriend. He definitely dropped the ball when it came to Ava. That's like going from the '27 Yankees to a minor league baseball club. Something ain't right there. Tommy wraps his arm protectively around the youngest in our family's shoulder. Then I get an idea.

"Hold on." I say as I turn on my heels.

"Eva." The table says and I turn around smiling.

"You called?" I smirk.

"No fights, babe." Nikki says and I nod.

"No fights." I agree.

I walk up to Amanda at the bar and smile.

"What can I get ya, babe?" She smiles.

"The most alcoholic drink you can think of." I say and she nods.

She mixes the drink then hands it to me. I walk back over to the table and hand it to Ava.

"Drink this. You'll feel better, I promise." I tell her as she takes the glass.

"What is it?" Ava wonders.

"Not one hundred percent sure but it's safe." I assure her and the boys laugh.

"Is it alcohol?" She asks like a four year old.

"Yeah, you're eighteen. Time to pop your alcohol cherry." I state.

"Evie--" she starts and I grab my tray.

"I've gotta work." I say as I walk away.

"You're an asshole!" Ava calls and I laugh.

"Damn proud of it to!" I laugh.

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