April Fools Day

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"God, I feel stupid." I admit and Tommy laughs as he walks back in the room.

"Evie just said that exact thing." He says. "And they're just putting makeup on her."

"Why are they doing that?" I wonder. My soon to be wife definitely doesn't need makeup.

"The same reason she's wearing a dress. Vince and Ava told her to." Tommy states and I smile.

"I think it would've been easier just to go to Vegas." I say as I fix the collar of my dress shirt.

"Uh no." Tommy says and I laugh. "Sorry Sixx but I wouldn't have let you and Evie get married in Vegas."

"You know, I didn't realize how big your family was until Ava's wedding." I admit.

Their family was fucking huge! Maybe it's a Greek thing but Ava had a full out wedding and nearly died planning it. Eight hundred fucking people between her and David's families. Evie wasn't too keen on the idea of having that big of a wedding, we decided to have a smaller one of about one hundred and fifty people. Even that seems like a pretty big number for a church to hold.

"Yeah, there's a lot of us. My yia yia and pappoo were excited to fly in again." Tommy says.

"Those are the Greek grandparents? The ones who don't speak English?" I wonder and he nods. "The other thing I didn't realize was that you all speak Greek."

"The twins are better at it then I am." He admits. "I told Evie that you were ready to puke and she didn't believe me."

"I'm not going to puke." I say.

I might not puke but I am kinda nervous. I love Evie and I really want to marry her, I'm just worried that like the church might catch on fire or something. Or we'll all incinerate because of how long we were living in sin. Or what if it's all too much for Evie and she backs out.

"Stop freaking out, man." Tommy laughs. Everything will be okay."

"Yeah, yeah." I agree.


"I'm gonna fall." I say and Ava smiles

"Tommy won't let you fall." Vince tells me.

I'm still not sure if Vince is part of the bridal party or groomsmen. I know he's spent a lot of the time in here.

Everyone is dressed. Nikki and I decided that our wedding colours were red and black, Mötley colours. Ava and Amanda wear red dresses and Vince years a black button up and black pants (the same thing every other guy in the wedding is wearing). Everyone is in the wedding. Vince, Mick, and Tommy are the groomsmen and Ava and Amanda are the bridesmaids. Mick will walk with Ava, Vince will walk with Amanda, and Tommy will walk down with me. This should be interesting.

"I look stupid." I mumble and Ava hugs my shoulders.

"You look beautiful, Eves." My twin tells me. "You always do. I can only say that because I always look good and you're identical to me." She laughs and I smile.

The door opens behind me and we all look back. Tommy, mom, and yia yia all walk in behind me, they all smile.

"Holy shit, Eves." Tommy says and my mother pinch his arms and he jumps. "You're so pretty."

"You really are, Eva." Mom says and I smile.

"Thanks." I smile.

I go over to them and hug them. Yia yia grabs my hands. She speaks in Greek and I decode it in my head.

"You look beautiful, Eva."

I thank her and she reaches into her pocket. It's a necklace, a choker, with a thin leather strap and the charm is small pair of ruby lips. I smile and look at the inside of my left arm. Just under the Mötley Crüe tattoo is a small pair of ruby lips.

"Like your tattoo." Yia yia tells me in Greek.

"It's beautiful." I smile in Greek.


I watch my sister and my grandmother interact and I smile. I look over at Vince and he points to his watch. It's time to go.

"Uh, Evie?" I ask and he looks up. "Time to get you married." Her eyes grow then she smiles.

"Okay, let's go." Evie says and I smile.

Mom and yia yia go into the chapel and we all line up. Evie links arms with me and I look down at her.

"Are you going barefoot?" I wonder looking at her size and she smiles.

"No, I'm wearing flip flops." Evie says and I smile. "I'm not going to fall walking down the aisle."

"Oh I wouldn't let you fall, Eves." I promise her. "How did dad take to you saying that I was gonna walk you down the aisle?"

"He understood. Dad said we've always been close and it didn't surprise him all that much." She says and I squeeze her hand.

"Nikki ever hurts you, they'll never find his body." I say and she elbows me.

"He's not gonna hurt me, Tommy." Evie says. "He loves me."

"Yeah, he really does." I smile as I look up.

Ava, Mick, Amanda, and Vince are all gone. I bump her with my hip.

"We're next, little sister." I say and she grins. "You can still run."

"I don't want to." She smiles and takes a deep breath.

The doors open and her tiny hand wraps around my arm and I pat her hand. I know she wants to do this. We step into the room and everyone is looking at Evie. Her cheeks turn red then she looks down the aisle to her Nikki. He sees her and smiles brightly. I smile when I realize that this bass playing bastard might actually cry. We make it to the end of the aisle and Nikki comes down to meet us.

"I'll still hurt you." I say quietly and Evie's elbow drives into my ribs. She scowls up at me and I laugh as Nikki does.

"Don't worry, T-Bone. It ain't gonna happen." Nikki promises me and takes my younger sister's hand, he kisses it and she smiles.

This is the man for my younger sister.

I stand beside Vince and watch the ceremony through.

They're perfect for each other, you can tell it in my sister's smile. You can tell it in Nikki's eyes. When they look at each other you can tell they're completely in love. They put off this vibe when you see them together, they only have eyes for each other. It's funny watching Nikki ward off hookers and groupies while on tour, maybe the wedding ring with help.

"I, Nikki, take you Eva, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life." Nikki says and puts the ring on my baby sister's finger.

"I, Eva, take you Nikki, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life." Eva says as she puts the ring on Nikki's finger.

"By the power vested in me by the state of California I now pronounce you man and wife. Nikki, do you want to kiss your bride?" The priest say and Nikki grins.

"Yes father, I do." He says and picks up Evie's face.

I watch Evie go up on her toes and kisses Nikki.

"For the first time, I'd like to present you Mr. and Mrs. Nikki Sixx!" The priest says and we all clap and cheer.

We'll both little sisters of mine are married. I guess they're not so little anymore.

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