Cupcakes or Stud Muffins

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"Okay, I'll ask." Vince says as we walk into my parents house from the cake shop.

Vince and I both carry cake boxes into the kitchen. Nikki and I have it figured since we are in fact having twins we needed two cakes because the genders might be different.

"What do you want to know, Vince?" I wonder as we go into the kitchen.

"What's with the coffee can that sits on the mantelpiece?" He wonders. "I've been coming around here since I was fifteen years old and it's always been there."

"Oh that's easy." I say and he looks at me.

"Continue please, Princess?" Vince asks and I laugh.

"It's my grandfather." I say as I lift the cake out of the box.

"You're joking!" He states as he lifts the cake out of the box. "Now why the hell did we need two cakes, Princess? How many people did you and Nikki invite to this thing?"

"I'm not kidding, ask Tommy." I say. "And don't worry about it."

"It's not your fucking grandfather." Vince states and I laugh.

"I'm not kidding." I say as I laugh.

"You're such a lair." Vince laughs and I shake my head. "If you weren't lying you wouldn't be laughing."

"Vince." I say but laugh harder. "I'm not lying." I cross my arms like a stubborn head like a stubborn kid.

"Princess." Vince mocks and as I laugh.

The back door opens and Tommy and Nikki walk in. Tommy goes to the fridge and Nikki comes over to me. He puts his hands on my stomach then smiles at me.

"Hey sweetheart." He says and I go up on my toes to kiss him.

"Hey babe." I say.

Nikki hugs me so he can whisper in my ear.

"How's are babies?" He whispers in my ear.

"Good, good." I reply and he grins. "The cakes look great." I say and take his hand leading him to the table.

"They do look really good." Nikki admits and Tommy comes over.

"Why is there two cakes?" He wonders.

"Thank you!" Vince nearly yells and I roll my eyes. "Hey T-Bone, what's in the coffee can?"

"The one on the mantelpiece?" My brother asks and Vince nods. "Our grandfathers ashes."

"Bullshit." The singer states.

"Yeah Vince, ask our parents." Tommy laughs.

"Fine I will." Vince says like a stubborn kid and marches through the house yelling. "Mr. Bass! Mrs. Bass!"

The front door opens.

"Hey!" Ava yells as she walks in.

Hendrix toddles into the house running up to us. He's just over a year old now, it's the start on November. He looks up at Nikki then Tommy.

"Pretty!" He laughs and I smile.

"You're not wrong, Hendrix." I say as I pick him up. I kiss his cheek and Ava comes into the house followed by David.

"Sweetheart, be nice to your Uncle Tommy and Uncle Nikki." My twin says and takes her son from me. "Hey mama." I scrunch up my face and she laughs.

"Don't call me that." I laugh and she smiles.

Ava looks at the table then looks at me. She kinda smiles and I half smile. Ava gets why there's two cakes, I knew she's always been a semi genius. David comes up behind her and looks at the table.

"Why the hell are there two cakes?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"Your dad told me to go away." Vince admits as he walks back downstairs. "Ava!"

"Vincent!" My twin answers.

"Pretty!" Hendrix yells and we all laugh.

"Yeah, hi ankle biter." Vince says and messes up his dark curly hair. "What's up with the coffee can?"

"The one on the mantelpiece?" Ava asks and he nods. "Our grandfathers ashes are in it."

"Are you sure?" He asks and my twin rolls her eyes.

"Here, hold my kid." She says and walks over to the mantelpiece.

Ava grabs the coffee can and opens it. She shows Vince the contents and he nods approvingly.

"Do you believe us now?" Tommy asks and he nods.

Mick and Amanda arrive shortly and my parents come downstairs. Since we are doing this with just the most important people to us, that's everyone. Mick and my twin is the only ones who actually caught on to the reason that's there's two cakes. Vince and Tommy are both insanely confused and kinda pissed that Mick and Ava won't enlighten them.

"So are we actually going to find out what the kid is?" Vince wonders. "Tommy's gonna owe me twenty."

"Why?" Nikki asks.

"He thinks it'll be a girl and I think it'll be a boy. Mick wanted nothing to do with our bet." Tommy explains. "It is gonna be a boy."

"No, it's gonna be a girl because Princess and Ava are total opposites." Vince defends.

"Can we just prove Vince wrong all ready?" My brother asks and I look to Nikki.

"Yeah." He smiles. "I think we've left them in suspense long enough."

We stand up and walk over to the cakes. We each pick up a knife as everyone crowds around the table like a bunch of little kids. They start to elbow each other and it's actually pretty funny to watch. Nikki and I both cut the cakes revealing pink insides. We move the cakes so everyone else can see. They all smile and Tommy hands Vince money. Vince looks at up confused.

"Okay, I'm right you're having a baby girl but why did you have to cut both cakes?" He wonders at the exact moment it clicks in Tommy's head.

"Are you having twin girls?" My older brother asks and I smile and look up at Nikki who is smiling as well. "You're having twin girls!"

"Yeah we are." I say and Nikki grabs my hand.

"Twins girls." Mick smiles and shakes his head. "I pity them if they look like Nikki."

"Hey." Nikki says and we all laugh.

I hope they look like Nikki. I hope they have his pretty green eyes.

God twin girls, family got a little bigger than we originally expected. They're gonna be born into the most insane family ever but one thing is for certain, those girls will be loved more than anything on this planet.

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