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My due date was the first of's the ninth. I look pregnant but not over due, Ava said that I look like I'm about five months along. I don't think that's good for carrying twins but the doctor said that our girls were doing good. I guess it works out good, me being past due and all, considering Nikki and I haven't even agreed on names yet.

I sit with my back against the arm of the couch with my legs laying across the couch. I look down at my stomach. Since I refused to wear maternity clothes I've resorted to reaching the clothes I stole from Tommy, Nikki, and Vince over the years. Right now I'm wearing a KISS shirt that I stole from Tommy in high school. I poke my stomach.

"You were supposed to be born almost ten days ago." I tell my stomach and I hear Nikki laugh as he walks down the hall.

He walks into the living room and picks up my feet. Nikki sits down on the couch leaving my feet in his lap.

"We still have to figure out names." I say and he nods.

"What do you think, babe?" He asks.

"Nikole." I say and he smiles.

"If we go Nikole we have to name the other Eva." Nikki say. "I think that'd be conceded of us."

"Okay. What do you think of the name Jade?" I wonder. "Jade Nikole?"

"It's pretty!" Nikki says. "Hold on!"

He gets up and goes into the kitchen. Half a minute later he returns with a pen and paper. Nikki takes his spot back on the couch, he writes down the name then looks up.

"What about Natalie? I like that name." Nikki says and I nod.

"Natalie Grace?" I ask and he lights.

"Yes!" He says and writes down the name. "Angel?"

"Angel Lee, I think it would make Tommy cry." I say with a laugh and Nikki nods. Sophia? It's Greek for wisdom."

"Sophia Joy?" Nikki asks and I nod. "Victoria?"

"Or Nike? It's the exact same just the Greek version on the name." I say.

"Okay how do you spell that?" Nikki wonders.

"N-I-K-E." I say and he looks at me.

"Like the shoes, babe?" He wonders with a laugh.

"You say it Nee-Kay. It's the Greek goddess of victory." I laugh and he smiles.

"Okay Nike Marie, in that case." Nikki says and I smile. "Bella, it's Italian for beautiful. Bella Eva, my beautiful Eva."

"I love it." I admit and he smiles.

"Good." He says and looks down at the list. "We have Jade Nikole, Natalie Grace, Angel Lee, Sophia Joy, Nike Marie, and Bella Eva. We have got six names and two kids."

"Oh sweetheart, that just means we have choices." I say and he laughs.

"I love all these names, I don't know how we're going to choose." Nikki sighs.

"Maybe we won't know until we see them." I say and Nikki nods.

"Yeah, that makes sense." Nikki says and pulls me by my ankles closer to him. "I hope they're pretty like you, Evie." He says and kisses my lips.

"Really? I was hoping they'd be pretty like you, Nik." I say and he laughs.

"I love you, Evie." He tells me and tucks my hair behind my ear.

"I love you so much, Nikki." I say and kiss his cheek.

His hand find my stomach and he rubs it gently.

"I can't wait to see them." Nikki says and almost on cue the babies start to move around and kick. "I guess they can't wait to see me either." He laughs and I smile.

I hope they come soon. I kinda want to be done being pregnant and just be a mother. I can't wait to be a mother.

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