"I Think We Should Get The Twins Piss Drunk!"

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Nikki and I are sitting on the couch of my parents house. My folks are still out of town. I have my legs over his and we're watching tv. Ava sits on the opposite couch and watches the tv. Whenever Nikki kisses my cheek she'll groan and complain (I think she's been spending too much time with Vince). Tommy and Mick come in at the same time and join Ava on the other couch. Nikki snakes his arm up around my shoulders and Tommy groans, Nikki smirks.

"Must you try to seduce my baby sister in the living room?" Tommy complains and Nikki laughs.

"No but I can try." He says and he starts kissing me.

I kiss Nikki back and I hear Mick and Ava start laughing. Tommy groans and the door opens.

"Okay, okay, you made your point." Tommy grumbles and my boyfriend chuckles.

"I love you." Nikki says quietly with his mouth hovering above mine.

"I love you to." I say and I kiss him.

"Well isn't that cute?" I hear Vince's voice bounce off every surface of my parents house.

Nikki grumbles and pulls away from me.

"Thank you, Vince Neil." He says and kissing my cheek.

"Welcome Nikki Sixx. And remember she was my Princess before she was your girlfriend." Vince laughs and sits down beside me.

I move my legs from Nikki's and his arm gets a bit tighter around my shoulders and I hold the hand of the arm that's around my shoulders. We shoot the shit for a while, literally talking about anything and everything. We tend to all go off on tangents and could end up talking about anything.

"Hey! I've got like the greatest idea ever!" Vince says excitedly.

"And what is that?" Mick wonders.

"Let's take the twins--" Vince starts.

"No fucking way!" Tommy intervenes.

"You don't even know what I'm gonna say." Vince mocks hurt. "I am hurt Thomas."

"Only my mom calls me that." Tommy grumbles and I smile. "Second, if it involves those twins and any of your insane ideas. Over my dead body."

"Tommy." Ava and I complain in unison.

"Just hear him out." Ava states.

"Not all Vince's ideas are insane." I say and Vince smiles.

"Thank you! The twins trust me." Vince says. "Well I'm not sure how good Evie's judgment is, I mean she's dating Nikki."

That comment causes Nikki to force laughter and try to fight Vince with me between them. Vince laughs and tries his damnedest to hold me in between my boyfriend and him. I start laughing which makes Nikki start to laugh, so the three of us just end up laughing at each other.

"So anyways!" Vince says. "I think we should get the twins piss drunk!"

"Hell no!" Tommy states and Mick shifts uncomfortably.

"Yeah Vince, I'm not sure about this either." He says.

"Okay not not saying let them get drunk off their ass and let them run through LA. They'd be with us." Vince explains.

"Well has Ava ever actually got close to drunk?" I wonder and she shakes her head.

"Not even nineteen yet." She states and I scrunch up my face.

"Well was that comment implying you have been..." Tommy trails off and I shrug looking at Nikki.

"I dunno. I mean I've woken up with a headache but I don't think I'd call that drunk?" I ask Nikki and he smiles.

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