Try Outs

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"Evie! Come on, we were supposed to be on the road ten minutes ago!" Amanda yells as I walk up from the basement.

"I'm right here and we don't have to be in Anaheim until three." I remind her.

Amanda and I are both dressed for rugby, spandex shorts and a t-shirt. We both have our gym bags slung over our showers. I'm digging through my bag to make sure I have cleats and mouth guards and crap like that. The thing is I'm not paying attention to where I'm going and doing all of this while walking. I collide with something and fall on my ass. I look up to see Vince laughing at me.

"Better watch where you're going, Princess." He laughs and pulls me to my feet. "You ready?" Vince asks us.

"Yeah." Amanda states.

"Definitely." I agree.

"Uh, Eva Grace." Tommy says while scratching the back if his neck.

"Thomas Lee." I mock and Vince snickers.

"Aren't you supposed to have a knee brace?" He wonders and I nod.

"Uh yeah, it's in my bag." I lie.

Tommy knows I hate the stupid knee brace and I rarely wore it while at Stanford. Actually I only wore it twice, when my mom and dad dragged Tommy and my grandmother up to watch a game. The second time was when we played UCLA at UCLA where my sister could see us.

"Really?" Tommy wonders with a smirk.

"Calling me a liar?" I wonder and I cross my arms.

"Yeah I am." He crosses in arms to mock me.

"Well I'm not lying." I say and Tommy smiles.

"Why did Nikki find this in the trunk of your car in the spare tire compartment?" He wonders and throws my brace at me. I turn to Nikki and he laughs.

"I love you, sweetheart." Nikki tells me.

"What the hell were you doing in the spare tire compartment?" I wonder and he points to the brace.

"Looking for that because I knew you hid it." He tells me and I scowl. "You need it, sweetheart."

"I know." I mumble and I zip it in my backpack.

"Evie?" Amanda wonders. "We've gotta go."

"Right." I agree. "Wish us luck."

There's a orchestra of good lucks and Nikki hugs me and kisses my forehead. He tells me he loves me.

"Where that thing." He tells me and leaves his hand on my ass. Tommy groans.

"Do you have to grab my sister's ass?" My brother wonders and Nikki laughs.

"I don't have to but I think it's funny to watch you freak out." He smirks and Tommy scowls.

"I can still kill you." Tommy mumbles.

"Anyways, we've gonna go." I say and go up on my toes to kiss Nikki. "See you soon."

Once we get to the pitch in Anaheim and Amanda makes sure I put on the brace. Claiming that (and I quote) my dear sweet boyfriend Nikki would have her head on a silver platter. I afterward told her Nikki would ever do that and she replied with 'if you got hurt he would, Tommy would be next in line'.

We started warm ups, running around the 400m track four times. After running through ball handling drills we were stretching. I stand beside Amanda as we stretch. I bend down and touch my forehead to my shin and Amanda laughs.

"That, my dear, is unnatural." She tells me as I stand up. "And I'm telling you right now that Nikki checks out your ass ever time you do that."

"And why are you telling me this?" I wonder and she shrugs.

"Why not." Amanda tells me. "This warm up is insane."

"Bathroom is around the corner if you wanna puke." I laugh.

"I'm gonna be just fine, I promise you that." She smiles.

We run through drill after drill and run lap after lap until we're on the absolute verge of death. We head back to LA and I sleep for another four ours.

I love rugby but it nearly kills me. It keeps me alive though so I guess that's an even trade. Maybe I'm being taken to the cleaners but I don't care, rugby gives me a feeling that can't be replaced. Its probably the reason I'm alive, I owe this stupid sport everything.

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