Home Sweet Home

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I pull down the garage door leaving my car inside. I walk into the house from the garage to see Ava sitting on the floor looking through our movies. I sit down beside her.

"Car's locked away?" She wonders.

"Yep." I say and my twin smiles.

"They're going to be mad at us." Ava smirks.

We neglected to tell the Crüe about us coming into town today. Our parents are still pissed that we're throwing in the towel on college. We're giving the meaning to the phrase 'the college try'. I try to sit crisscross applesauce but I wince with my knee, Ava watches all of this.

"Just sore, twin head." I say and she nods

We decided on watching Jaws and we sit on floor watched no the movie. It's about halfway through when we hear the boys motorcycles pull up. I smile at my twin. We watch out the front window as the girlie men we are friends with walk up to the front door. They walk through the door all wearing leather and enough hairspray that I'd be leery on using lighters. They talk among themselves before heading into the kitchen. Ava and I share a glance as we watch them into the kitchen. As Vince enters, he sees us out of the corner of his eye.

"Twins!!" He nearly screams.

Vince gets to be first and pulls me into a hug, picking me up off the ground and spinning me about. 'Twins' in muttered in the kitchen and the boys walk in. Vince puts me back on my feet still holding onto me like I might float away. He kisses my cheek and I kiss his. He turns to Ava.

I hug Tommy and Mick before turning to Nikki.


I can't even explain how he makes me feel but those stupid butterflies are back. We just look at each other for a while and pray that Tommy doesn't see this and think it's weird. My eyes are completely locked on his, his prefect green eyes. I hear someone clear their throat.

"Tommy, what's that thing you wanted to show me?" Vince speaks up.

"Oh right, come on." Tommy says.

He ruffles my hair as he walks past. Vince stands beside me until Tommy disappears up the stairs. Vince smirks.

"You two owe me." He says simply and Nikki and I both catch on.

"Thanks man." Nikki smiles before walking up to me.

Thank god for Vince Neil.

I go up on my tip toes to kiss Nikki. His lips crash into mine and he picks me up off the ground. I'm home. Not because I'm back in LA but because I'm with Nikki. Home is where the heart is and Nikki has had my heart since the day he walked in here with my stupid brother.

Home Sweet Home.

Nikki pulls away from me first and looks at me.

"Can we talk tonight?" He wonders and I smile.

"I work until eleven." I say. "After that I'm yours."

"You're mine." Nikki smirks before going up stairs with Mick.

I watch as they disappear up stairs like both Tommy and Vince had before. Once they're out of eye shot, I collapse on the couch. I sigh and giggle at the same time as I cover my face with my hands. It feels so right to be kissing him. After that, I don't want to kiss anyone else.


Her shift is almost over. Thank god Tommy had already hooked up with someone and wasn't here. Evie comes back over to our table and sets more beers in front of us. I watch her hands and my eyes travel up her arms to white scars that shine against her olive skin. What? I travel further up her arm to the inside of her elbow and see newer scars that look to be from a needle. Evie wouldn't do heroin would she?

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