Road to State

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At first Vince didn't want to be in the band, he was comfortable with his current band which is respectable. Eventually, he decided on joining up with us, that's a great choice on his part. It's the first week of April.

We walk up to Tommy's parents house where we've made home base of sorts. Plus Evie is here. Vince is has picked up on the whole me liking Evie thing, he's convinced that she likes me to, I think he's inhaled too much hairspray. Anyways, we walk into the house and we're greeted by about thirty pairs of girls shoes sneakers and Adidas gym bags, in all hues of colours.

After wadding through the sea of colourful sneakers, we walk into the living room and see dozens of high school girls. I only recognize two of them, Amanda and Evie watch the tv with the hoard of young girls. Upon our entry, all the girls look up at us in the weird teenage girl hormone fused glance. Evie and Amanda smile at us.

"Hi boys!" Evie smiles.

"I'm in hell." Vince looks around at the teenage girls.

"No Vince, our team's off limits." Amanda says sternly, Mick and I laugh. Tommy looks disappointed.

"You two didn't tell us you were hoarding guys." One girl says to Evie shakes her head.

"You know my brother and Vince, that's Nikki and Mick." Evie explains.

"They're just the band." Amanda says.

"I thought you had a dog?" Another girl speaks up and Evie shakes her head.

"They have a Tommy." Vince smiles and Evie laughs. "Same thing." Tommy flips them off.

"Don't you have practice or homework?" Tommy wonders but smiles.

"Yeah we should study, I mean Evie should study. Big physics test, you know if you bomb it no state, right?" Amanda hits Evie in the arm, Evie smiles her bright smile.

"It'll be a breeze." She insists.

"Right, honour role twin." Another pipes up.

"Exactly." Evie smiles.

"Well, we're not all that lucky, Cap. I gotta study." One girl says.

One by one the rugby team agrees and walk out the front door. I sit on the couch beside Evie and she lights up again, I smile at her.

"Physics, a breeze?" I wonder and she smirks.

"Oh yeah." Evie says and I laugh. "For Ava." She half mutters so big bad brother can't hear.

"You..." I trail of but make my figures swap out and she nods.

"Only kinda." She smiles again.

Evie has a great smile, like the kinda smile that will brighten your day and clear all your worry. I can't help but smile when she does, it's like this crazy. She makes me crazy. Does she have to Tommy's sister? Like is there a chance she's adopted? No. They all look too much alike, the only difference is her big blue eyes, that make me completely insane. Jesus.


We're sitting in the living room a few days later. We being the band, my twin, and Amanda. We're watching Carrie, probably not the best idea on our part. It's about midnight and my parents are out, there's a thunderstorm going on. To be honest it seems like the story line from a really crappy horror movie. The killer is going to come in the back door and bludgeon us to death. The seven of us have squeezed onto the two leather sofas pointing at the TV. I sit in between Vince and Nikki, both of their arms wrapped around my shoulders.

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