Voice of an Angel

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"This is stupid." Ava sighs.

"No, let's see what happens." Amanda says.

"No this is a stupid idea, what happens if you miss?" Mick wonders.

"Then we go to the hospital." Tommy says.

"Yeah." I agree.

Tommy and I are throwing steak knives up in the air and catching them again. We have this obsession with trying to find something the other won't do, if the other won't do it then you're declared the champion of the universe. Our non-dominant hand is behind our back and we toss with our dominant.

"You're gonna miss." Tommy tells me and I shake my head.

"You're gonna pussy out." I say and he smiles.

"You're dreaming, sweet little sister." He says and I shake my head again.

"I think you are." I say as the door opens.

Nikki walks in and I catch my knife and jab it at my brother. Tommy slides out of the way and laughs. It's our same old song and dance, that how we play. Nikki who had saw everything laughs and hugs my shoulders.

"Kick his ass, did you?" He wonders with a perfect smile.

"It's not that hard." I admit and Tommy sighs.

"Well I let you win." Tommy mutters

"I'd say that to if I got my ass kicked by a girl to." Mick says with a smile.

"Especially one this small." Nikki laughs and I playfully shove him.

"I'm not that small." I try but he just laughs.

"What would you have done if you stabbed him by mistake?" Ava wonders.

"Well I would've stabbed her back." Tommy admits and we laugh.

A while later, Vince walks in the back door like he lives here. He picks me up and spins me around, he's excited about something.

"Why are we spinning?" I wonder when he puts me back down.

"My band gotta gig." He says about as giddy as a school girl.

"When?" I wonder and he lights up.

"Tonight, if you're not busy, you guys should come." Vince looks around to the rest of the group, they nod in agreement.

"What how are we going to get teenagers into a bar?" Mick wonders pointing at Ava, Amanda, Tommy, and I.

"We could walk, Mick." Amanda says and he rolls his eyes.

"I mean, I've been sneaking into bars since I was fifteen." Tommy says proudly.

"It's not that hard." I admit and Tommy glares at me, Nikki laughs.

"What the hell does is that supposed to mean?" He wonders and I laugh.

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to, right?" I say with a laugh and Nikki smiles.

The door opens again and my mum and dad walk in. They look at the group of girlie men in the kitchen. My mum walks in and looks at Ava.

"Evie, your coach called me today practices for state start in a week." She says to my twin and I nod up to Amanda. "Ava your teacher wants you to stop correcting her." She tells me.

The boys laugh, being able to tell us apart. Amanda watches intently. Mum sighs and looks at us.

"Are either of you going to answer me?" Mum wonders.

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