I Can't Do This

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We walk through LAX, all of us. The band, Ava, Amanda, my parents, and Amanda's parents. I hold onto Nikki's hand tightly with Vince walking beside me. Tommy is walking a head of us with Ava. They tail Mick and Amanda. Who tail both sets of parents.

Okay, I have my passport. I have about thirty mouths guards. Three pairs of cleats. Enough clothes for two weeks of rugby and normal day clothes. My knee brace (Nikki, Tommy, and Vince made sure of that). I have enough pictures of my family to get homesick and cry my eyes out. Finally I have one panic attack saved up for the minute the wheels leave the pavement.

Jesus Christ, I'm going to die.

We get to our gate and my stomach does a complete flip. This is very very real and I'm only eighteen. Nikki let's go of my hand so I can hug my parents goodbye. But I turn around instead and start to walk back the way we had just came. Someone grabs my arm. Someone else grabs my other. And someone grabbed my sides. I get spun around to be flanked by Nikki and Vince and my big bad brother Tommy is standing in front of me.

"I can't do this." I state. "Let's just go home."

"Evie." Vince and Nikki say and I drop my gaze.

"Hold on guys, I've got this." Tommy states and grabs my wrist pulling me away from everyone.

"Tommy would you slow down! My legs aren't as long as yours." I grumble as I try to keep up. Tommy turns around to face me.

"Why can't you do this Eva?" He wonders and I cross my arms.

He knows that I'm scared but he also know I'll never say it out loud.

"You wouldn't be scared would you, Evie? This big scary rugby player scared? Horse shit! Of what? Flying? Losing? Evie, the only thing you should be scared of is pussying out." Tommy smirks. "Are you honestly going to let everyone here at LAX think the great Eva Bass is scared of anything?"

"I'm scared of coming back and everything is different." I state and remember that's exactly what I said before going to Stanford. Tommy smiles and crosses his arms.

"Are you scared of everything being different or just Nikki?" He wonders and I scowl.

"He could find someone better than me in a heartbeat, Tommy. Hell, Ava is around, I mean she looks just like me!" I cross my arms as well.

"Alright Eve, you've lost your fucking mind now." Tommy says. "Nikki only wants you, not Ava, definitely not some street walker. What do you say, small fry?" He messes up my hair.

"Stop." I say quietly and shove him.

"No." Tommy says like a five year old.

This continues until I start laughing at which point Tommy hugs me tightly nearly crushing my shoulders.

"You ready, Eves?" He wonders.

"About as ready as I'll ever be." I admit and Tommy smiles.

I hug my parents, Mick, and Ava. I'm left standing in front of my best friend, older brother, and boyfriend. This is going to be fun. I hug Tommy first and he laughs.

"Eww, Evie cooties." He says and I laugh.

"You're such an asshole." I say when I pull away.

"Be good." Tommy tells me and I nod.

"I'm always good." I state and he laughs.

"Bullshit you are." He says and goes over to my parents.

I stand in front of Vince and he crosses his arms.

"Leaving me again, Princess?" He wonders and I shrug.

"I guess so." I say and Vince shifts.

He takes three really quick steps into my and I would've landed on my ass if he didn't pick me up. Vince hugs me tightly.

"You gonna miss me or something?" I wonder and he laughs a bit.

"You gotta be careful, promise me." Vince's voice is serious which is odd considering he's always joking around.

"Yeah Vince, I promise." I say and he nods as he places me back on my feet.

"Be good, Princess." He says as kisses my cheek. "Don't make me fly to Australia and kick your ass."

"I won't, I swear." I promise him.

Vince joins Tommy, Mick, and Ava so that I'm left with my boyfriend. I wrap my arms around his chest as tight as I can and Nikki hugs me back just as tight. I was pretty good about not crying until this point but having to say goodbye to Nikki just pains me so much. His hands move to cup my face and his thumbs brush away my tears. I go up on my toes so I can kiss my Nikki and he picks me up off my feet.

"I love you." I mumble when I pull back and Nikki kisses my nose.

"I love you so much, sweetheart." He says as tears roll down my face. I brush them away. "Baby, don't cry. I'll be when you get back. I promise."

"I'm just gonna miss you so much." I say and he nods.

"I'm gonna miss you to, baby." Nikki says and puts me on my feet again, his hands stay at my sides though. "Promise me that you'll be careful."

"I promise, Nikki." I say.

"Promise me that you'll take care of yourself." He persists.

"I promise." I swear.

"Promise me that you'll eat." Nikki tells me.

"Yes Nikki, I promise." I agree.

"Promise me that you'll wear that stupid knee brace." He says.

"I will, Nikki. I swear." I tell him and he smiles.

"I promise me that you'll kick ass." Nikki says and I light up.

"Baby, you know it." I say and he laughs pulling me into him.

"Promise me that as soon as you get back you'll let me show you how much I missed you." He purrs in my ear then kisses behind it. My face turns read and I bury it in Nikki's chest.

"I promise." I giggle quietly.

"Flight 415 to Sydney is now boarding!" The PA system rings and I pull back from Nikki.

"That's me, baby." I say and he squeezes my hands.

"Go show them how good you are." Nikki says and kisses my lips again quickly. "I love you more than anything."

"I love you more than breathing." I tell him.

I say goodbye to everyone one more time. I make Mick promise me that he'll keep Vince, Tommy, and Nikki out of trouble. Nikki kisses my forehead. Ava tells me to kick ass. Vince and Tommy take turns kisses my cheeks. My parents tell me that they're proud of me. I tell everyone I love them and with that Amanda and I go to board the plane.

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