Walking on Railroad Spikes

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It's the day before graduation. By some act of God or Satan, I was elected valedictorian. I'm not sure why or how but I know it's going to be fucking hilarious!

Nikki, Vince, Ava, and I are sitting in our living room watching cartoons like the children we are. I sit in between Vince and Nikki and they both have their arms wrapped around me like the night we were watching Carrie. Ava sits on the floor in front of the tv if we need to change the channel.

It's weird begin so close to Nikki, I mean I'm crazy about him and he's like my best friend. We nearly kissed because of Ava's stupid stunt (I kicked her ass because of it). Like we were so close, fucking Tommy had to go and walk in. Fuck! He has the worst timing.

"Got your speech ready, Princess?" Vince wonders and I nod.

"It's going to be fucking hilarious!" Nikki laughs.

The door opens and my mom walks in holding shopping bags. She drops one at Ava's feet and hands me the other. I just her a confused look, my mom gestures for us to open the bags. I look over and Ava and she looks at me with the same confused glance.

"Would the two of you just open them?" My mom wonders and Nikki and Vince laugh.

We open the bag and get to a shoe box. Good god. Nikki takes the bag from my lap. I open the box to see a pair of heels, I can't walk in heels.

"You got us railroad spikes?" I wonder and Vince laughs.

"Eva Grace, you need something to walk in for graduation." My mom sighs.

"Evie trips over air in her Chuck Taylor's. With her knee she can barley walk at all." Ava says.

"Yeah! Wait, hey!" I complain, Nikki and Vince laugh.

"Just try for me? Okay, sugars?" My mom wonders.

She's is very Greek and English her her second language.

I hold up the shoe to Vince's face, I gently squish the heel into his face. Vince laughs and I drop my head on his shoulder.

"I told you she was my girl, Nik." Vince smirks and Nikki pulls me back over to him.

Nikki protectively wraps me up and Vince winks at me. I love him like a brother but god he's an asshole sometimes.

"Evie is mine." Nikki says very seriously and I feel my complexion flush. Vince and Ava laugh at us.

"Well come on, we'll help you walk on them." Vince says and I scowl.

"Come on, Princess." Vince says helping Ava up, she already has the shoes on. "You gotta try for your mom."

"Fine." I sigh as I slip on the shoes.

I stand up and start to wobble like Bambi on ice. I start to cuss and I feel Nikki's hands around me waist, keeping me balanced. Nikki starts up beside me, taking my hands like Vince does with Ava.

"Easy does it, sweetheart." Nikki says as we start to take baby steps.

I watch my feet and I shuffle step by step. Nikki lifts my face up and I meet his pretty green eyes. He half smiles at me.

"You better not watch your feet." He says sweetly.

"Yeah, alright." I agree and Nikki smiles again.

We take little steps around the living room and kitchen. I didn't pick up on it as quickly as Ava and my knee was really starting to hurt. Nikki tells me I should sit down in the couch for a minute, just to take a break before I overdo my knee.

Vince and Nikki go to get as they call it 'big boy beverages'. Ava  still walks around the living room and my competitive side kicks in. That's my little sister, I should've been doing this before her.

I push myself off the couch and start to take steps. I instantly regret it. I start to do that stupid speed wobble again just Nikki isn't there to catch me. I land on the floor tweaking my knee. Within seconds, Ava, Vince, and Nikki are sitting on the floor around me making sure I'm okay. They all look insanely worried.

"Should we take you to the--" Vince starts.

"Vincent if you say hospital, I will murder you." I say and Vince smiles.

"She's okay." He says rubbing my knee. "Are you hurting?"

"No. I'm fine." I assure him and he looks at Nikki.

"Dude, she's fine." Vince tells him and I look back at Nikki.

He keeps studying me, his hands are in my shoulder and wrist. Nikki looks horrified.

"Nikki?" I wonder and he snaps back.

"Don't do something that stupid again, sweetheart." He tells me seriously.


Evie walks up on the stage for her speech. She stumbles in those shoes. Jesus she's going to hurt herself. When she gets up to the mic, Evie smiles. This is going to be great.

"So I'm Evie, a Capricorn, and I don't know why the hell I was nominated for this. Maybe they got the whole twin thing mixed up but either way, I'm gonna talk for a while."  Evie starts and Tommy elbows me.

"How many times do you think she'll swear?" He wonders and I laugh.

"So let's be honest, high school fucking sucks. I'm not kidding but every adult on the face of this planet say they miss high school. Now I've thought about that, they don't miss biology class and running in the pouring rain, they miss being wild and crazy!" Evie smiles. "They say that in order to have stories to tell when you're old, you gotta be crazy when you're young. Let's just say I'm going to have stories. School is about more than just exams, homework, rugby--even if there is four state championships at is school now." Some girls cheer. "It's about making memories that last a lifetime because it's inevitable we're going to miss this hell hole and all the memories we made here. Now I'm going to make one more." Evie smirks.

There's a collective "Jesus Christ." From our band before laughing.

"Classmates, teachers, principals, you can all go fuck yourselves. I'll see you bastards in hell." Evie finishes before marching proudly off stage.

"That's why she  was voted valedictorian." Vince laughs.

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