The Next Morning

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I open my eyes and instantly regret it. My head kills! I roll over to bury my face in a pillow and Nikki's grip gets tighter around me.

"Sweetheart?" He mumbles.

"Yes, lovely." I mumble with my face still in a pillow and he laughs.

"Does your head hurt today, Miss Evie?" Nikki laughs and I groan.

"I hate Vince Neil and his stupid ideas." I state and Nikki kisses my shoulder.

"So your head does hurt." He says and pulls me into him. I keep my head in his chest and I nod.

"I know I can't reach the stupid pain killers either." I say and Nikki laughs again.

"Want me to reach the pain killers for you?" He wonders and kisses my hair.

"I'd love you forever." I say and wrap my arms around him a bit tighter.

"You promise?" Nikki wonders quietly.

"Do you?" I ask.

"I promise to love you forever, Eva Grace Bass." Nikki's finger comes under my chin bringing my face up to his so he can kiss me.

"I swear to every God in heaven and every demon in hell that I will love you forever." I say and kiss his lips.

"Okay, let's get you pain killers, sweetheart." Nikki says and starts to get out of bed.

The covers get pulled off me as well and I become aware of the fact that we're both in our underwear. I roll over to the side to pull on a shirt but Nikki grabs the shirt from my hands and walks out the bedroom door with it.

"Nikki." I complain as he walks out the door.

"Evie." He complains back at me from the hallway.

I follow after him and catch up with him in the kitchen. I try to grab the shirt from him but he holds it over my head.

"Nikki." I complain. "Come on, I'm cold."

"I can tell." He laughs and I scowl and cross my arms.

"Nikki." I whine and put my forehead on his arm.

"Evie." Nikki laughs and kisses my hair.

"What if Mick, Vince, or my brother walk in? Tommy'd flip shit." I smirk and look up at him, you can see his facial expression change. "We don't knock, remember?"

In the next second Nikki is pulling the shirt over my head and moving my hair from my face. I push my arms through the Beatles shirt of Nikki's and smile.

"Thank you, sweetheart." I say and kiss his cheek.

"Stealin' my heart, stealin' my clothes, stealin' my pet name, what's next?" Nikki smiles and kisses my nose. "I hope my last name."

"We'll see." I smile and I go up in my toes to kiss him.

We make breakfast together and Nikki gets me pain killers. Then we shower and I wrap myself in a towel and dig through his dresser to see if I have any clean clothes here. I'm coming up empty. Nikki walks into the bedroom behind me with his shirt in his hands.

"Yeah I know baby, I've gotta do laundry." Nikki says and I turn around. "I keep forgetting."

"Oh shit, I've got my laundry in the dryer at my parents." I laugh. "Hey do you have any idea where my clothes are from last night?"

"I uh," Nikki pauses to look around. "I think I saw your socks in the front hallway."

I spend the next twenty minutes tracking down my clothes from last night. Once everything is located we go to my parents house.

Tommy and Mick are sitting at the kitchen table already drinking and Nikki hoes to join them. I walk downstairs to my room to find some new clothes. I get to my bedroom door and open it, I wasn't quite ready for what I saw.

I saw my younger sister pins underneath my best friend Vince. Neither of them are wearing much clothing and they're both dead asleep. I close the door and run back up the stairs.

I sit at the table beside Tommy and Nikki looks at me.

"I thought you were going to get changed." He says.

"I was going to but Ava hooked up with someone last night and They're still here." I explain and they nod.

"Oh my god!!!" I yelled from the basement and I smile.

"I guess they just woke up." I state.


I open my eyes and I'm underneath someone. As my eyes adjust I know that I know this person. My twin's best friend is naked and on top of me. The blond headed Vince Neil is naked and in bed with me. Wait does this mean we...

"Oh my god!!!" I yell and Vince's as pop open.

"Shit Ava!" He glances down to see that we're both naked. "Oh my fucking God! Did we have sex?"

"I don't remember!" I admit.

"Well neither do I!" Vince says. "Tommy is gonna kill me!"

We quickly get up and get dressed again. I had sex with my sister's best friend. I had sex with Vince.  Oh my fucking god. Tommy is going to butcher us both.

"How are we going to do this? Like I'm willing to bet that Tommy and everyone else is up stairs." Vince says.

"Oh Christ, I don't know. I'm never drinking again, that's for sure." I say and sit down on the bed. "Do you remember anything from last night?"

"Not past you puking in the bathroom." Vince admits and sits down beside me. "Ava, don't take this the wrong way but if we weren't drinking I never would've done this."

"I wouldn't have either." I admit. "But either way, now we've gotta deal with Tommy."

"Yeah, that--"

Vince is cut off by a knock on the door. Evie steps inside and smirks at the two of us.

"Nikki and Mick have Tommy up stairs getting ready for rehearsal." She tells us. "Now would be your time to sneak out, Vince."

"Princess you are a life saver!" Vince gets up and hugs her. He turns to me. "Ava, I'm sure it was fun but I'm gonna run before your brother turns me into a female."

Those are Vince's parting words and after he leaves Evie smirks at me.

"I'm never drinking again." I state. "And I don't want to hear anything from you."

"You fucked my best friend." Evie says as she digs through her dresser. "Gross."

I never thought I'd say it but thank god for Evie! She's a pain in the ass but she just saved my ass.

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