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October 4rd 1987
Paris, France


We walk off stage in Paris and we're greeted by our manager.

We always have this weird kind of high once we get off stage, it must be what Evie feels like after winning a game. It's a really powerful feeling and it could power the country. It's something about the fans screaming for more and not wanting us to leave. You know that the fans have the same passion about our music that we do. It's also really cool to look down to some kid singing the song back to me.

But something about the vibe that our manager is putting off give me a weird feeling. He shifts uncomfortably as soon as he sees us and his vision bounce between all four of us then to his loafers. I look over at Tommy and he looks about confused as I do.

We get over to him and his uncomfortableness intensifies and looks down at his shoes.

"Hey man, what's going on?" Vince asks and our manager takes a deep breath.

"I got a call from the little mean twin." He starts and we all smile.

"Evie." We all say.

"There was a lot of screaming in the background and she demanded that Tommy calls David's cell phone as soon as you get off stage." He says.

Tommy is usually happy and eccentric and you rarely see him sad. The smile melts from Tommy's face and you can tell that his heart just dropped to his boots. Tommy loves his twin little sisters a lot. I mean he's so insanely protective but he has a reason to be, Evie herself has been hurt so many times he wants to face the world for them so they never get hurt.

Vince has been close to these girls since they were thirteen and a half years old. Evie and Ava are like his little sisters. He, like Tommy, is a very bright individual and something about him is different. Vince doesn't smile and the room just seems darker.

Thank God Mick kept his wits about him because I was freaking out inside.

We all love the twins as well, I mean Evie is my long term girlfriend. Something is wrong. What if Evie had a car crash? I mean she kinda likes to drive fast and that's not safe. What if she fell down the stairs and broke her knee or something? What if--

"I-I need to get to the phone." Tommy says flatly.

"Yeah." Vince and I agree quietly and Mick looks at Vince and I once Tommy walks off to the dressing room.

"Calm down, guys." He says calmly. "Every thing will be okay."

October 3rd 1987
Los Angeles, California


"I....can't...have..the!" Ava cries. "It's Tommy's birthday!"

My twin sister's water broke in the mall and she's been in labour since about noon. She's a crying mess and has locked her husband out of the room, the only ones allowed in the room is me and my mother. I hate seeing my baby sister this goddamn sad and I don't know what to do. Ava is bawling and in pain and I just feel Bad for her.

More than anything she wants Tommy. When we were little, crying, and in pain Tommy always make us feel better. Remember when I blew out my knee and he stayed in the hospital with me all night? That's why she wants Tommy, it's deep rooted in our brains that our big bad brother will always make us feel better.

David opens the door and sticks his head in. Ava starts to cry louder and he looks at me.

"Evie? Phone." David says and I nod.

"I'll be right back, Av." I tell her and go to the door.

I take his cell phone from his hand and raise it to my ear.

"Hello?" I say into it.

"Evie! Ev, what the hell is going on?" Tommy asks unevenly.

"Uh, Ava is in labour and freaking out because she doesn't what you to have to share your birthday." I explain. "She really wants you, Tommy. And Vince, and Nikki, and Mick."

"Evie, my birthday was yesterday." He tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Tommy, we're nine hours behind you. It's five thirty in the afternoon on the third." I remind him.

The doctor opens the door.

"She's ready to start push--"

"Tommy!" Ava cries and I know Tommy heard her.

"Look I'm on the next flight, all of us are." He promises.

"Hold on a second Tommy." I say and turn to the doctor. "I have the guy she's screaming for, can she talk to him?"

"Look keep him on the phone, this child is coming now." The doctor says.

I hold the phone up to her ear and he talks to her. Ava smiles and happy tears roll down her face. Now she can have her kid in peace.

Hendrix Thomas Milligan was born October 3rd 1987 at 6:04pm. He has dark hair like his mother and dark brown eyes like his dad, David. Tommy was on the phone the entire time and he won't admit it but I could hear him crying through the phone. Hendrix screamed for an hour after he was born and Tommy said he's loud and that he has to be related to Ava, myself, and him.


It was four am before we got back to Los Angeles. Between Vince, Tommy, Mick, and I we all unanimously decided that we were going to the hospital. Ava was definitely going to be there overnight and even though they scare the crap out of Evie, she wouldn't leave her sister.

We walk into the hospital and this late at night it seems like a scene from a horror movie. We make it up to the floor at Ava is staying in and walk down the hall. We approach her door and I smile.

Leaning against the wall wearing ripped jeans and my leather jacket with sunglasses in her black hair is Evie. She's looking at her Chuck Taylor's so she doesn't notice me or anyone else what's so ever. We get closer to her and she glances up, Evie's bright smiles crosses her face and she runs over to us.

Evie's rugby player frame nearly knocks me over when she runs into me. I smile and pick up my tiny girlfriend.

"I love you so much." She says in my ear and I grip her a bit tighter.

"God, I love you." I say and she picks up my face.

Evie press her lips to mine and I smile into the kiss. Nearly three months without it, I'm definitely going to smile going into it. I kiss her back with some force and it escalates quickly until someone clears their throat. Evie pulls back with her face bright red and I smile.

"Sixx, we know it's been three months but we're still in public." Vince says and I put her on her feet again.

"Right." I smile.

Evie hugs her brother, her Vince, and Mick before leading all of us to the nursery room. She grips my hand tightly as she drags me along. When we stop outside the nursery window I wrap my arms around her from behind and kiss her cheek. Evie points to one of the babies wrapped in blue with little bits of dark hair.

"Hendrix Thomas Milligan." She says and Tommy lights up.

"They named the kid after Jimi Hendrix and I?" He wonders and Evie nods. "So fucking cool." Tommy smiles. "Can we go see Ava?"

"Yeah." Evie says. "She's probably asleep though."

"She won't be for long." Vince laughs.

Ava has a kid, like holy fucking shit. That's scary because Ava and David are younger than me. I mean I'd love to be a dad one day but there's only one girl I'd ever want to make me a dad. I've got to marry Evie first. But I could picture having a family with Evie. It would be perfect.

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