Lion's Heart

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I'm four months pregnant now and I don't feel like I've gained a lot of weight. I mean I weight about one hundred and fifteen pounds but I don't have this huge stomach that usually comes with pregnancy. Today at the doctors Nikki and I are hoping to find out the gender of our little blob as he nicknamed it. Nikki still wants a girl and I still want a boy but somewhere deep inside me I know it's a girl.

Nikki and I walk into the doctors office. I sign in while Nikki find us a place to sit. I go back over to Nikki and sit down in the chair beside him. I put my hands on my slightly enlarged stomach and Nikki puts one hand between my hands. Our baby has been moving around a lot lately.

"She's busy." Nikki says.

"He's." I correct and he laughs.

"I guess we'll find out today and it'll out the end to all this bickering." He says. "But it's a girl."

"It's a boy." I say.

"If it's a boy I'm guaranteeing that he's just gonna want to show the his thing." Nikki says and I laugh. "I'm not kidding either."

"I know you're not." I say. "He'll be related to you and Tommy, I've seen you guys on stage."

"You like it, sweetheart!" Nikki says loudly and everyone looks at us. "Maybe not Tommy but me, definitely."

"I still can't believe that there's teenage girls with posters on my husband on their walls." I say and he smiles.

"You'd have posters of me on your walls." He laughs and I nod.

"I would." I admit and he kisses my cheek. "I do right now. I mean our wedding pictures are all over the house."

"Touché." Nikki smiles. "Are we going to have one of those parties that Ava had where they told everyone they were having a boy?"

"Do you want to?" I wonder.

"Kinda, I think it'd be kinda cool." He admits. "I thought Tommy was gonna cry at Ava's."

"I think you and Tommy have bet's on when the other is gonna cry." I say and he laughs.

"We kinda do, Tommy said that I was gonna cry at our wedding." Nikki says and I smile.

"Didn't you?" I wonder and he shakes his head.

"I was damn close and they were in my eyes but they didn't roll down my face, therefore I didn't cry." He says and I laugh.

"Mrs. Sixx." The nurse calls and Nikki pulls me up.

We walk back into Doctor Jenkins office. I get set up for an ultrasound and Nikki sits at my head with his fingers laces through mine. He kisses my hands and I look up at him.

"I love you." I mouth up at him and Nikki grins.

"I love you." He whispers in my ear.

Dr. Jenkins squeezes that cold blue jelly across my stomach and I squirm around. She starts the ultrasound and I start to hear the heartbeat. The baby's hard is pounds like a drum and I smile. It's a strong heartbeat. As the thing moves across my stomach another another drum starts to play a different song. The two songs play in perfect harmony and my heart nearly stops.

Two drums.

Two heartbeats.

Oh my god, I'm having twins!

"Okay so we're hearing two very strong heartbeats." Dr. Jenkins says.

"I always told you, Eves. You have a really strong heart, your brave little lion's heart. My strong, beautiful wife and her strong, beautiful heart!" Nikki says and I sigh.

"Uh Nikki?" I ask and he looks down at me.

"Yeah, sweetheart." He asks.

"This thing doesn't measure my heart rate." I say and his eyes grow.

"So, so, so....There's tw.... Baby Sixx just turned into baby freakin' twelve!" My husband says and I laugh.

"Well that's one way to put it." I laugh and he smiles.

"Twins, sweetheart. We are having fucking twins." Nikki says quietly.

"Think we can handle this one, babe?" I wonder and he squeezes my hands before kissing them.

"We'll figure it out, my love." He says and I smile.

That's about the time I see tears well up in his beautiful green eyes, that makes tears well up in my eyes. Nikki smiles but the tears roll down his face.

"Aww Nikki." I say as I blink back tears. "Is this crying?" I wonder and he laughs.

"Yeah, Eves." Nikki says and kisses my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you to, Nikki." I say.

I guess both of us forget the fact that doctor Jenkins was in the room. That was until she clears her throat. We both look up and she smiles.

"Uhh sorry about that." Nikki clears his throat.

"Don't worry about it, Mr. Sixx, it's not the first time I've seen a father cry." She says and I smile. "Now do you two want to know the gender of the babies?"

I look up and Nikki and he nods.

"Yes, ma'am." We say and she smiles.

"Okay so Baby Sixx A-" God that sounds funny! "Is a...."

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