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"I'm in love with her and she loves me and we've been together for about a month." Nikki explains and I watch him.

"Well it's about time!" I smile and he watches me confused.

Evie and Nikki have been crazy about each other for a long time. Me being the big brother I tried to block it out, maybe it would just go away. It clearly didn't.

I really started to notice it right before Evie went away to school. Like Nikki and her were always close, they were like best friends. When she went away to school, it nearly killed Nikki. I mean we all missed her but for Nikki it was different, he'll deny it until the day he dies but he drank a lot more once she was gone.

Evie was different to, like there's very few people that can make her smile like that. I knew Vince and I could do that but Nikki could to. You could tell by the smile on her face that she liked him. Evie didn't want to go to school to start with, leaving Nikki made everything worse.

As a big brother there's a couple things you definitely don't want and a couple of things you want for sure. You definitely don't want your baby sister to cry and you definitely don't want to walk into a strip club and see your sister on the stage. You always want your sister happy and smiling. If Nikki can keep her happy and off a stage, I'm happy.

"It's what?" Nikki asks and I smile. "I'm going to kill Vimce." He mutters.

"You know I'm really not as dumb as you all think." I smirk. "I've seen it for months now, you've like each other for a long time."

"Y-y-you what?" He asks and I laugh.

"I know my sister and there's very few people who can make her smile the way you do." I explain and Nikki scratches the back of his neck. "Nik, are you going to hurt her?"

"No, no, of course not." He assures me and I smile.

"Good, I'll be there to kick your ass if you do." I say and he laughs.

"I think Evie will kick my ass first." Nikki says and I nod.

"Probably." I agree.

"Man, I really do love her." Nikki says.

"I know you do." I hold my hand out to him. "I'll kill you if you hurt her." I warn again.

We walk back into the hospital and sit back down. The nurse comes back in, she tells us that Evie is out of surgery but is still asleep. We could go in and see her if we wanted to, which we did considering if she wakes up she'll be ready for blood. I look over at Nikki.

"You should go in and see her." I say and he gives me a look. "Just go." I smile.

It's my turn to go in and sit with her, Evie is still out cold. She's so tiny, she's hooked up to so many machines. Evie always looks smaller when she's asleep, I always assumed because personality is so larger than life you don't notice her size. She's maybe 5'2 and doesn't break a hundred pounds. Evie's always been frail and boney, I guess that's what you get when you were four months premature.

Her big blue eyes open and look around, I smile and grip her hand.

"I feel like hell." She mumbles and I smile.

"How long have you been dating Nikki?" I wonder and she looks at me.

"What the hell are you talking about, Tommy?" Evie asks.

"I'm not as stupid as you all think, Eva." I smirk.

"You are as stupid we all think." She smirks.

"Nikki told me." I explain "You love him?" She sighs.

"Yeah." She says quietly.

"Does he make you happy?" I wonder.

"Yeah he really does." Evie admits. "You mad?"

"Nah, just the minute he hurts you--" I smile once she cuts me off.

"Tommy." She complains and I kiss her hand.

"If you're happy, I'm happy." I tell her. "I think everyone wants to see you."

"Okay." She says but she looks scared.

"I'll be right back." I promise her.

I walk out to the waiting room and I smile.

"What to see her big blue eyes?" I ask and everyone stands up.

We walk back into her room and Evie lights up upon seeing all of us. Nikki hugs her tightly and kisses her forehead.

"Next time swallow you pride and say that you're in pain, alright sweetheart?" Nikki tell her quietly and I smile. "I love you."

"I love you to." She tells him quietly.

Vince hits me in the arm.

"You're gonna have to get used to that." He tells me and I nod.

"Yeah." I smile. "I guess so."

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