When Time Isn't On Our Side

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"I'm not going on without her being here." Tommy says matter of factly.

We have a concert tonight, it's the eleventh of December. Ava had been able to make it back in loads of time, Evie wasn't so lucky. We wait backstage to be called onto stage. Tommy doesn't want to go unless his sister is here. Vince isn't very happy about his best friend not being here. I don't want to go on without her here either but Evie told us she'd be here and I believe her.

"We can't not go on." Mick speaks up.

"As much as I don't want to say it but Mick is right." Vince admits. "Evie will be here."

"Tommy I want Evie to be here to but we have to go on." I admit.

"She's are biggest fan." Tommy mutters.

"She's our only fan!" Vince laughs.

"Well there's Ava." Mick speaks up.

"Come on." I say as I sling my bass over my shoulder.

"Let's get this over with." Tommy mutters.

We start to file towards the stage and Vince looks out the curtain. He giggles like a school girl and turns back to us.

"I think we have more fans than just the twins." He admits and I push up beside him.

I look out the curtain and see the bar packed with people. The Mötley Crüe banner hangs across the stage. I look down to see Ava in the front row.

I wish Evie was here. She's gonna be here, I just have to keep telling myself that. She's gonna make it with time to burn! I hope. We go on in five minutes. Yeah, she could make it. I've seen her drive and it's horrifying.

I turn back and take the bottle of Jack from Vince and down it quickly. It burns my throat as I hand the bottle back to my blondie.

Aw fuck. This is gonna end badly, I can feel it.

We walk out on stage and I look down to where Ava was sitting. Two Avas look up at me. Evie made it! She's magic or something. Vince smirks at me.

"Guess she made it." He yells over the crowd.

Evie smiles at me and mouths: Happy Birthday. Oh shit! I guess it is my birthday.

We play our set through and they twins smile and sing along with every single song. When we finish our last song, Vince pulls the twins up on stage. Evie walks over to me.

"Told you that I'd make it." She smiles and I nod.

Evie hugs me like she's always does.

"Happy Birthday, Loser." She says and I laugh.

"Thanks Nerd." I laugh.

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