New Bar and Jealousy

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"You're what?" I ask for the third time.

"I'm not doing anything. I've sold the bar." Richard the owner of the bar tells me on the phone.

"Dick--I mean Rich, this is my job. You can't sell the place right out from under me and Amanda." I state as the back door opens and Amanda walks in.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Is it Dick?" She asks and I nod.

She turns the phone so she can hear to.

"Dick, it's me. I'm back. You can't sell the bar, it's been our job for years now." Amanda says into the phone.

"The new owner promised he'd keep all the old employees." Dick explains. "He wants everyone to meet at the bar. To pick up uniforms are stuff like that."

"Uniforms?" We ask in unison.

That's a new concept to us we've always just wore whatever we were wearing that day to work. We hang up the phone and walk into the living room where Vince and Tommy are hanging out. Their bikes are blocking in my charger.

"You ladies what to move your bikes so we can go to work?" Amanda wonders.

"How about we just drive you?" Vice wonders and we shrug.

Once we pull up to the bar we automatically notice something so very different. The name of the bar for starters. In big red and black letters reads The Play House. Okay for starters, what the hell kinda bar is called The Play House? What is it? A bar for six year olds?

Amanda and I thank Vince and Tommy for the ride and we walk into the bar. Even the inside is different. Deep ruby red walls and black leather seats at the tables. Black and White pictures of Marilyn Monroe hang on the red walls above tables in glossy black frames. The air smells a bit like cinnamon mixed with pure Tennessee style whiskey. The stools that sit at the bar are reupholstered with leather and the old chipped cherrywood that matches the bar is completely repaired.

This isn't our bar, not even close.

"We're not in Kansas anymore." Someone calls from behind me.

I look back to see the bar backs, Leon and Ezekiel, enter with the cook, Gordon. The other bar tender/waitresses, Tanya and July (weird fucking name, right?), follow them. We all sit at the bar and talk about how weird everything is and how it isn't the bar we know and love.

After about ten minutes of chattering about how foreign this all is, the door opens again. This bald guy wearing a leather jacket walks in with clothing bags thrown over his shoulder. He wears aviator sunglasses and stands about six foot. He looks at the group of us, I think he spends a little too much time looking at us girls though.

"You all must be my new employees. I am Val, the new owner of The Play House. I am your new boss." He explains and I stiffen up.

There's something about him that just makes me uncomfortable and gives me an uneasy feeling. I look across Amanda, Tanya, and July they all have similar feelings judging by their facial expressions and their body language. I cross my arms across my chest and rub my arms.

"Let me get something straight, when you walk through those doors I own you." Val says and I shift uncomfortably.

Something about the way he says that, we're 'his' as soon as we walk through the door.

He talks for a little while before handing the outfit bags to us girls. Two bags for each girl.

"These are your uniforms, you may only wear these to work." Val says rather sternly.

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