A New Guitar Palyer

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I dig through the fridge and pray my mom and dad don't walk in. I'm supposed to be at school right now. I look for the chicken fajitas we had last night for dinner, I find one and stick it in my mouth as I hear a door open. Shit. I don't close the fridge, it's a crappy camouflage but at least from here they can't tell if I'm Evie of Ava.

"Evie, close the fridge I know it's you." Tommy calls.

"Thank god, it's you." I say as I close the door and look at him through the whole in the wall, Nikki's with him.

"It's eleven o'clock on a Wednesday, why are you home?" Nikki wonders leaning into the kitchen.

"Would you believe me if I said I forgot my textbook and they sent me home." I smile and he shakes his head.

"Sorry, sweetheart." He says with a smile, a great smile.

"Did you know that Greg was banging Evie?" Tommy trips over our name.

"Well I think I'd know if he was banning me." I say and he rolls his dark eyes at me.

"Ava." He corrects.

"No." I lied eating my fajita.

"Liar." Tommy says. "Why didn't you tell me, I thought we had an alliance."

"Because you'd freak out, I was already on her ass about it." I say and he sighs.

"It's my job to freak out on you two." Tommy says quietly.

"Are we friends again then?" I wonder with a smile.

"Yeah." He laughs and walk up behind me taking my food from me.

"Tommy." I complain and he holds it over my head.

"Hate to break up this family moment but a truck just pulled in the driveway." Nikki says looking out the front window.

"Shit, it's dad." I say and drop to the floor in front of Tommy as the front door opens.

"Why is the twins' car in front of the house?" My dad asks as the door closes.

"Uh, Tommy and I took them to school." Nikki says. "Right Tom?" I pound on his foot.

"Ah, ow. Yeah." Tommy agrees.

"Urgh, Ava forgot her physics book again." My dad says.

"Evie has physic, dad." Tommy says.

"I'll have to run it out to her." My dad says walking towards the kitchen.

Tommy points his foot telling me to crawl to the other door, I think. I crawl that way and run into my dad's legs. I look up at him and smile. Nikki walks up behind my dad and laughs hard. I stand up and look at my dad.

"For the record, I was telling you that he was coming that way." Tommy says handing me back my half eaten fajita.

"Guess we have to work on our foot signing." I say and he laughs.

"Eva Grace, why aren't you at school?" My dad crosses his arms.

"Uh, I forgot my book." I say taking it from him. "I'll be on my way now."

I walk out the door before he can stop me.

"So we need a new guitar player." Tommy says later that day.

He and Nikki sit at the table, Ava and I sit on the counter looking at them. Ava scans the newspaper and points at an ad. It's from a guitarist wanting a band. She points at the number and I recognize it as Amanda's.

Amanda Deal, I've known her for years now. We play rugby together and work together at a local bar. I take the newspaper from Ava and walk over to Tommy and hand it to him.

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