First Trip To The Doctors

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I know that Evie hates the doctor with a passion, she's absolutely scared of them. With The Evie being pregnant I guess that means she'll be going to the doctors a lot more. Today is the first doctors appointment and we are meeting the doctor. Ava swears by this doctor, Ava says she took really good care of her and Hendrix. That's a good thing and maybe Evie will be okay going to this doctor.

I'm driving towards the doctors office and I grab Evie's hand. Her hand is shaking and I know she's scared but my wife forces a smile.

"I'm going to be right there with you, sweetheart." I tell her and she nods. "It's going to be okay."

"I know. It's just...the doctors." Evie mumbles and I smile.

"This doctor is a girl, Eves. I'm guaranteeing that she's going to be scared of you, not the other way around." I say and she makes a face.

"Babe, I'm 5'2 and don't break a hundred pounds." She says and I laugh.

"You're a rugby player, you're covered in tattoos, and you're wearing leather. You're going to scare her a bit." I say and she smiles. "There's that beautiful smile, Evie. I love you."

"I love you to." She says and kisses my cheek as I park the car.

We walk into the doctors office and up to the registration desk. Before Evie can talk the secretary starts talking.

"Oh my god, Ava! Are you remarried? How's Hendrix? Oh my god, look at your tattoos!" She says and I laugh. The secretary looks at me confused.

"I'm Eva, Ava is my twin." My wife laughs. "Hendrix is good, getting really big."

"Oh god, you two look so much alike!" The ditsy secretary says and I roll my eyes.

They're twins after all.

"I'm here for my appointment with Dr. Jenkins." Evie says and the secretary taps some keys on the keyboard.

"Eva Sixx, just take a seat in the waiting room and the doctor will be right with you." She says and we nod.

I lead Evie over to the waiting room and sit down. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and she snuggles in closer to me. She's shaking a bit and I kiss her temple.

"It's going to be okay, baby." I promise her quietly.

"What do you think we're going to have?" Evie asks and I smile.

"I think we'll have a girl." I admit and she smiles.

"I think we'll have a boy." She says.

"When we come back in a couple mouths and find out the gender it'll come back a girl." I say. "Then I'll say I told you so."

"When the gender comes back as a boy, I'll say I told you so." Evie states and I laugh.

"What if it's twins." I say and Evie's eyes grow.

"Oh my god." She mumbles. "I didn't even think about that! Like there's a chance! Oh my god!"

"Evie, babe, calm down. There's a chance but I don't think it's a very big chance. Don't worry, Eves." I say and squeeze her hand.

"Yeah yeah." Evie says and takes a deep breath. "It'll be okay." She tells herself.

"Mrs Sixx!" A voice calls and Evie jumps a little bit.

"Come on, baby." I say as I stand up.

We walk further into the doctors office and Evie grips my hand a bit tighter. I just keep telling Evie to breathe. The secretary leads us to the last room and on the door is Dr. Hilary Jenkins. She opens the door and ushers us inside.

A blond woman that's maybe in her forties sits behind the desk. She looks up and smiles at us.

"Eva?" She asks and Evie nods.

"Well Evie." My wife says and the doctor laughs.

"Okay, Evie." She turns to me. "You must be Evie's husband?"

"Yeah, I'm Nikki." I say and shake her hand.

"I'm doctor Jenkins, please take a seat." Dr. Jenkins says and motions to the chairs in front of the desk.

Evie and I sit down and Jenkins starts to skim the papers. She looks up and smiles.

"So do you know how far along you are?" She asks.

"Yeah, we think about a month." Evie answers.

We talk back and forth for a while about Evie's eating and exercise habits. Jenkins eyes grow when Evie says she's a rugby player. They talk about Evie's symptoms and whether or not she had morning sickness.

"So do you guys have any questions?" Dr. Jenkins asks.

"Well obviously Ava and I are twins, is there a chance I'm carrying twins?" Evie asks.

"There's a chance and if you are carrying twins we might not find out until a few months in." She explains. "The twins might be back to back and their heartbeats might be lined up." Evie's hand tightens around mine and I rub my thumb along her's. "Speaking of which, do you want to see your baby?"

Evie gets set up on the table and I sit at her head holding her hands. A million thoughts run through my head. What if it doesn't have a heartbeat? What if there's two heartbeats? What if there's more?

I'm brought back to when Evie was getting her appendix scar covered and the tattooist was sitting down by her hips. God I'm happy the doctor is a woman.

This blue gel gets squeezed and spread across Evie's abdomen. The doctor starts to move the handheld part across her stomach and I look at the screen. A squishing noises comes out the machine and the doctor smiles.

"That's the baby's heartbeat." The doctor says, I smile and Evie squeezes my hands.

She looks around for a while longer before we see a little blob on the screen. Evie squeezes my hand again and My smile broadens.

"And there's your baby." The doctor says softly.

"Nikki, look at him." Evie says and I laugh.

"You mean her." I correct and the doctor laughs.

"Now there's only one heartbeat right now but they might be back to back." Dr. Jenkins says and we nod.

The doctor prints off some pictures and leaves saying that she'll see us in a month or so. Evie gets ready to go and looks at the pictures. I smile and put my hands on her hips, looking at the pictures over her head.

"It's our blob." I say and she laughs.

"It's our son." Evie says and turns around.

"It's our son." I say and kiss her lips.

"I'm so happy, Nik." She says and kisses my lips again.

"So am I, sweetheart." I say and hug her.

I have a great job, the most beautiful wife, and a baby on the way. I've got a pretty perfect life.

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