Police Station

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The next few hours are a blur. I watch up in my basement bedroom at my parents house. I push myself up and walk into the ensuite bathroom. When I walk past the mirror I see bruises on my neck.

Everything from last night come rushing over me like a wave and I crumble to the floor. If Tommy and Nikki weren't there.....I don't even want to think about that.

I quickly shower and brush my teeth. I pull on a pair of jean shorts and a KISS shirt, I slip on my socks and pull on the leather boots Nikki bought me for my birthday.

When I go back upstairs I see the band sitting in the living room. I wave at them but they all look at me like I'll catch on fire. I walk into the kitchen and reach up to grab a coffee mug, I hear foot steps behind me and I know the band had followed me in. I pour coffee into my mug and turn around, Tommy takes the cup from me and starts to drink it.

"Coffee will stunt your growth." He tells me matter of factly.

"I haven't grown since the seventh grade. I think I'll be fine." I say and Vince smiles.

We fall into an awkward silence. None of us know how to bring up what happened last night. I pull myself up onto the counter and look around the kitchen. Tommy has finished my coffee and is now digging through the fridge. Mick, Nikki, and Vince all lean against the counter opposite to me.

"Well I'll say it." Vince finally speaks up. "How you feeling today, Princess?"

"My neck hurts." I admit.

"Is it hard to breathe?" He wonders and I shake my head.

"Don't let your pride get in the way." Mick speaks up and I smile.

"I'm fine I promise." I say and for the first time today, Vince smiles.

"There's my stubborn Princess." He laughs and hugs me.

Tommy, Mick, and Vince walk back into the living room. Nikki and I are left in the kitchen, he still stands opposite to me and I frown. I motion him over and he stands between my legs. I reach up and kiss him.

"What's wrong?" I wonder and he wraps his arms around my shoulder, I leave my hands at his sides.

"Nothing." He says quietly.

"Liar." I smirk and he nods.

"I know." Nikki admits putting his forehead on mine.

"What's really bugging you Nik?" I ask quietly and he sighs.

"I'm worried. After last night, I never want you out of my sight." Nikki admits. "But I know you won't go for being babysat all the time. I just love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Nik, thats real cut but it's not what's bugging you." I say and he smiles.

"You know me too well." He kisses my nose. "I feel like-like last night was my fault. I didn't want to leave you at work to start with and--"

"Nikki stop. Last night wasn't your fault okay? I'm okay and nothing bad happened." I smile. "Nikki please."

"Okay, fine." Nikki says and presses his lips to mine. "I love you."

"I love you to." I say.

We go back into the living room and hang around with the band for a while. We shoot the shit and watch tv and bother each other like any good family should. After a while Ava returns from the grocery store and throws candy bars at us, so we have a have a very healthy breakfast.

The six of us screw around for a while when someone knocks on the door. Vince and Nikki decide that now would be a good time to go to the fridge to get more beer and other alcohol of their choosing. Tommy runs to get the door and instantly starts yelling.

"You've got to say away from my house and my baby sister!" He screams.

"Sir, I need you to calm down." A very official voice says.

"No, you need to keep him away!" Tommy yells.

That draws Ava and I to peek in the foyer. Peeking out from behind Tommy is a police officer and Val, the owner of the bar I used to walk at. Tommy is going to get arrested.

"Goddammit Vince, Nikki, get your asses in here before our brother gets arrested!" Ava and I scream in unison.

They come in and pull Tommy away from the owner. But when they march into our house saying that my brother was being charged for assault, we all go very mad and probably the easiest way to put it we all get hauled into the clink. I guess they don't like when you pull knives on them.

The six of us get jammed into a small holding cell and they're calling our parents (or trying to rather, my mom is in Greece visiting her parents and my dad is on business). I squirm my foot around in my boot and feel the switch that's jammed in there. If the police would just walk out of the room for five minutes I could get us out.

I've been hauled in before for street racing but always got let off (or snuck out but whatever).

"You know he nearly raped my baby sister." Tommy calls at the officer on duty.

Their radios go ballistic and all the officers rush out of the room. Ava smiles.

"I thought only cops on tv were stupid enough to leave people in a holding cell unattended, hey Evie?" Vince laughs.

"Wait what the hell does that mean?" Tommy asks confused and Vince laughs.

"You never told him?" Vince wonders with a smirk.

"Never told me what?" Tommy asks and now everyone is laughing.

"Tommy trust me, it might be best if you just pretend not to hear anything for the next few minutes." I say. "Don't ask questions--"

"You don't want the answers to, I know." Tommy sighs.

I look at the camera in the corner and luckily it's still broke so that means all the cameras are broken. The police never took our names so they have no idea who we really are. I pull the knife out of my boot and jimmy the lock. I eventually get the cell door open and walk out.

A couple of times I called Vince to pick me up and we got dragged here for skipping class once. Vince taught me these tricks to start with.

We start to walk back to our parents and Vince starts laughing like a jackass.

"At least I don't regret showing you how to pick a lock." He laughs.

"So without going into too much detail because I still want to believe my sisters are angels. Why the hell did you teach my sister to pick a lock?"

"Uh we used to skip music in ninth grade." I say.

"I was supposed to be in eleventh but was in tenth with you Tommy." Vince reminds him.

"Johnson's?" Tommy asks and we nod. "I was in that class, Evie wasn't in it."

"No I was, I just didn't go a lot." I say with a laugh and I grab Nikki's hand.

"Yeah." Tommy sighs. "I really don't want to know."

"I do." Nikki says in my ear.

"Later." I laugh.

Later on that day, we were contacted by the police department. It was all a big misunderstanding and they apologized. Also for some 'unexplained' reason, Val dropped the charges. I like to think he didn't realize there was more boys than just Tommy.

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