Four Eyes and Band Names

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Amanda and I sit in the hallway, Amanda is actually doing what she was supposed to be doing. She's strums her acoustic guitar, she has her music class. I'm supposed to be in physics but nobody cares about science. I sit with her against our lockers and I have my my sketchbook out. 

My glasses slide down the bridge of my nose, shit. I hate wearing my glasses, but I can't draw without them. Ava can't see well while reading either.  I push them back up my nose and scowl. I look down at my heavily braced knee, I hate that it's hurt. I hate knowing I'm hurt and couldn't play if I wanted to. Good thing the season's over.

My twin walks down hall and sits with us, sporting her four-eyes look as well. We sit for a while in silence, Amanda slumming her guitar mindlessly, me drawing whatever comes to mind, Ava sits crisscross applesauce just watching everything. I sit half crisscross applesauce, sitting on my right foot with my leg extended. Amanda looks over to my sketchbook and smiles, she hits Ava in the arm. Ava looks at my sketchbook and smiles as well.

"What are you smiling at?" I wonder and they smiles.

"Look at what you're drawing." Ava smiles.

To be honest, I really wasn't paying attention to what I was drawing I was just drawing. But I look down and see a little animated hospital bed with a little animated me in it and a little animated Nikki holding on to my little animated hand. We're talking like in that dream I had. I study it for a while longer before closing my book completely and putting it down beside me, making my twin and Amanda laugh harder.

"Does this mean that you admit to liking Nikki?" Amanda wonders and I shake my head.

"No, it means I was mindlessly drawing." I mutter.

"No, I think it means you love him!" Ava laughs.

"Whatever can't we drop it?" I wonder and they laugh again.

"Nope!" They nearly scream.

"Jesus!" I mutter. "You're going to get us in trouble."

We argue about this for a while before we all go back to our projects. Ava and I have migrated to the position on sitting back to back, leaning on each other. We joke and laugh and happily waste the hour that we should've spent in mind numbing classes.

"So you know what we should do?" I speak up.

"What should we do, Evie?" Amanda wonders.

"Ditch class and go up to Disney." I explain and I feel Ava light up.

"Yes! We should invite the boys and make a day out of it." Ava squeaks.

"Thats an idea." Amanda points out.

"Yeah, sounds good to me." I agree.

"Don't you three have classes?" An all too familiar voice calls.

We look down the hall and see our boys.

"Don't you have jobs?" Amanda calls as they walk over to us.

Nikki walks over and I'm instantly aware of my glasses sitting on my face. He smiles and points at them.

"You're a four eyes?" He wonders as I scramble to pull them off my face. To this, he laughs.

"No." I lie and he laughs again.

"I like them." Nikki admits and I smile. Vince, seeing all of this lights up.

"Told you, Princess. You look good while rocking your four-eyed look." Vince smiles. "But if you and Ava both have glasses is it eight-eyed?"

"What class are you supposed to be in?" Mick wonders.

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