chapter 2

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    As I was looking out the window "no I don't know them I've never seen them before why do you ask Jake" I asked looking back at him. "I was curious nothing more" he said. We got home at 6:30 pm I took the keys in to my mom who was sitting in couch "mom I'm going on protrol with the girls" I said looking at her "ok but  be careful ok" she said "ok I promise I'll see you soon love you mom" I said running out the door. I looked around for Tori and Kyla. I finally found them playing with 12 year olds. I walked up to them "hey you two ready to go" I breathed. They turned and looked at me "ya lets go" Kyla said. We walked up the hill and into the woods to a clearing. When we got to the clearing I turned to them "ok here I go" I said. I started to shift there was a warm feeling going through my body then I was on four paws. I was as tall as Tori who was about 5.7 feet tall. I looked into Tori eye's "wow you look so pretty Hannah" Kyla said petting me making me purr a Wolfe purr it felt nice "ya wow look at you" Tori said ok guys stop that before I start blushing and thank you I said "wait who said that" Tori said looking around it was me Hannah I said. They both turned and looked at me with wide eye's come on get on before I leave you I said binding down letting them get on my back. "So you can talk to us with your mind" Kyla said climbing on my back with Tori. yes little one it is called telecommunication it is cool I said. I started to run I'm running to check on the border of the neighborhood to make sure it is safe I said.
       After running in circles for about two minutes. Do you want to go to the creek it is not to far from here I said walking in that direction "sure" they said. We got to the creek. I layed down to let the girls off. When they climbed off they walked to the water it is so peaceful here is it I said laying my head down on the ground next to the girls "yes it is" Tori said. Both girls got up and walked to the front of me. I sniffed the air 'I smell something weird like another wolf no there's more then one damnit' I thought 'they are going to attack' throught Tori, Kyla loo-but I was cut off when a black wolf attacked Kyla KYLAA.

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