chapter 44

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I awake to someone shaking me "Hannah babe wake up its morning" a feminine voice said. I opened my eyes with a groan and saw my mom with Jake. I looked around and saw that I was asleep on Tories shoulder and her head was on Marcus shoulder with both of them asleep. I didn't see Tyler or Kyla telling me that she was in his moon asleep. I turned back to my mom "um hi mom" I said awkwardly this reaction made her giggle "good morning sweety what are you doing in the livingroom" mom asked rubbing my messed up hair "oh we fall asleep watching a movie John had some work to do so I stayed down here and me and Tori watched a movie together until the other joined use" I explaned sitting up. Jake shook his head "well that is something that you would do" he said knowing that he caught me a few time doing that. I stood up as my mom and her boyfriend backed up "I know I've done utterly a few times. So we're are you guys going this early in the morning" I asked running a hand through my hair "well um Jake you tell her" my mom squeaked. I froze at my mom's words "ok you got my attention what's wrong" I asked turning to face them one more. Th looks on their faces told me somthing was up and it was bad "I was at work yesterday and I hear some of my friends say that they saw some wolves huge wolves out by their property at first I thought it was this pack but I soon learned it was a different one they said that they are camping out by their place and Hannah my buddy property is only about 20 minutes from here by car" Jake said frowning. By the tone of his voice it was a lot. I froze at the news "t-this means the attack could be today scrap" I growled looking down. I looked back up at my mom and her boyfriend then calmed "babe it's going to be ok we'll be ok" my mom said walking to me. "Yeah your going to be ok but not here mom I want you to take the Corevette and go see grandma and grandpa if yo u drove fast enough you should be there this afternoon" I said narrowing my eyes. "But I can't leave you not when you need me" she protested I growled making her stop "please don't make this harder mom I know I need you but your safety is my first priority please pack your things a go see grandma please" I begged. At first she was going to protest again but Jake stopped her "ill like to meet your parents Deb and it would be safer plus Hannah could focus better knowing your safe" Jake interjected "ok I'll go but I'm coming home in four day if I don't hear from you no if and bust about it" my mom said sternly making me giggle "wouldn't dream of it" I said smiling. Then I handed her my car keys and Jake gave me his Dodge truck keys "ok ill see you later" mom said walking up stairs to pack. Jake started to follow but I stopped him "thank you Jake it makes me feel better knowing that she is safe she is really the only family other then my friends I have" I said "it no problem I know that your just doing it to keep us safe and thats what I'm so glad about I just Jake to load my bag into your car then I'm good" Jake said turning and walking out to my car. I ran up stairs and to Johns office I knocked as loud as I could because the door was locked. "John open up we got a problem" I called but no one answered so started smelling the door telling me that he was still in there by how fresh his scent was "John we need to talk" I yelled but still nothing "damnit John open up its important" I yelled as I continue to bang on the door. Finally the door open by a very tired looking John "Hannah was the deal I was asleep" John said tiredly as he rubbed his eyes "the blood moon pack is here on the territory about 20 minutes away by car" I said quickly. This seem to wake him up because he perked up "what" he yelled "yeah Jake was talking to home buddy's of his at work and they told him that they're see huge wolves on their property and Jake knows all of your wolves fur colors and went there I think or they took photos our he know that it was not our pack and it was a different one" I said urgently. John pulled me into th office "ok then that means we need to organise a warrior group I want you and your team that we've been training to stay here to protect Emma and other females that can't battle i'll take a few warrior to them to them I think todays the day of the war" John said walking to his desk he pulled out a gun "here give this to Tori it has poison bullets it can kill an fatally wounded werewolf it can kill humans so be careful" John said throwing the pastel at me. I quickly caught it with one hand "ok I'll tell Tori about the gun" I said. Just then a knock was head from the office door John got up and opened it. It revealed my mom "i'm sorry for disturbing you John but I came here to say goodbye to Hannah"  my mom said at the door. I got up and walked to the door I then suddenly hugged my mom "I love you so much please be safe" I said then I released her "I love you to babe I promise" my mom said then backed away "i'll call and tell you when I get to my parents house" mom said. I nodded "ok I love you please I beg you be safe talk to you tonight" I said. Mom nodded and then walked down the stairs John looked at me giving me a questionable expression "I asked my mom to go to Florida for a few days to see her parents she is taking the Corevette" I explaned. John nodded "ok that's for the best she want get hurt if wolves attack here two less people to worry about" John said in relief. I nodded in agreement then he closed the door and we continue to talk about the war that was about to start.

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