chapter 46

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I looked at the dead alpha as Kyla limped over to me well that take care of him but what did he mean she asked looking down at the dead wolf. I growled as I started to shake from the blood loss I don't know bit it wasn't good I replied in a whisper then looked around most of the wolves had been taken down. Skyler was guarding the basement door keeping any enemy wolf away. Paul was looking around Tori was walking down the stairs. Marcus and Tyler were both watching their mates. David was walking around. The only one I didn't see was Daniel Kyla were is Daniel I asked worried. Kyla then started looking around fiercely I don't know last o saw him he was up against a powerful one are replied. I sniffed the air and smelled his blood so I started following it until I found him sitting on he ground next to a dead wolf a few feet away. Are you ok Daniel you had me worried I asked. My voice made him look at me yeah just taking a break all this fight takes it toll on me he said standing. I nodded the stood up we both were walking back when I heard a scream Tori I yelled then took off running. My head and lungs screamed to slow down but I ignore it and continue to run. When I got there there was a wolf on top of Tori trying to but her face but are held it face away but I knew saw wouldn't last long. I changed at the wolf and walked it to the ground. We rolled until we hit the wall. Kyla started to run to me no go to Tori protect her now I got this I snarl then bit the wolf's neck but he early stopped me due to me being weak from the blood loss and bit into my neck Hannah David yelled. You let her go Skyler yelled charging at the wolf throwing it off of me knocking it into the wall. She then bit it back making it howl in pain. I tried to get up but fell to the ground Paul ran and help Skyler finishing off the wolf then they ran to me. Marcus, Tyler, David, Tori, Kyla, and Daniel then ran over. Tori fall on her knee "Hannah are you ok please say something" Tori begged with tears falling from her face. I think I'm ok just tired I whispered. Marcus looked at Tyler then nodded his head. Then Tyler took off from the room and out the door we is he going I whispered as Tori tried to stop the bleeding from my neck I sent him to go get the alpha Marcus said then he layed next to me. Daniel and David had shifted to help stop the bleeding Skyler go get Kaylen she can help hurry Paul said. Skyler took of to the basement door she then shifted and opened it and ran down stairs. Kyla was laying at my side licking my neck to help the bleed. I started to get light headed and my vision started to blur. I then saw Kaylen run up he stairs and fall at my feet "she is losing conscious we need to hurry pick her up and put her down stairs" she said urgently. I felt them lift me I to the air and then everything went black.

I awake in a bed Kyla was holding my hand and looking at me "how long have I been out" I asked slowly getting up. "Not long a few hours they had to keep Johon out of the room he is cleaning the livingroom" she said. "You gave everyone a scare Kaylen run thought she lost you for a minute butility she didn't" Kyla said then she hugged me "were is Tori I want to see her I want to see everyone" I said letting Kyla go. "Ok I'll go get them left. A few minutes later she returned with the whole gang "hey guys" I said they all smiled at me and hugged me "guys can't breath" I choked. They released me "you had us worried Hannah never do that again" Daniel scolded. And everyone nodded in agreement. I then was walked by someone "never do take a hit like that again please" Tori sobbed hugging me tight "I can't promise that but I can say I'll never take a hit like that because y'all beat them before it happens don't worry I'm fine I promise and if it makes you feel any better I want fight for one week" I said try g to reassure her. Tori let me go just as Emma popped up on the bed "deal" Tori said wiping her eyes and smiling. I smiled "I'm glad your better luna" Emma said. I nodded and hugged her knowing she saw my lump body. And I smiled this was my life with my friends and family.

It had been a few weeks since the attack of the blood moon pack. John told me that he found the perfect person to run the back ant it was Ber she was perfect many of the wolves respected her and ador her. When John announced that Ber was Alpha of the blood moon pack they cheered knowing they were in good hands. Her first announcement was that she was making a treaty with th moon creek pack. I had full recovered from the fetal wound that I not from the battle. Mom a Jake are getting closer she lives wire me and John. Tori and Marcus live with us as well as along with Kyla and Tyler. Kaylen found a medicine that can keep people werewolf for as long as they want so Kyla decided to be a werewolf for the rest of her life and she was happy about her decision. I was happy too because that mean she could take care of herself. Tori completed her training so she joined he pack as well. Daniel and David just wanted a normal life but join the pack saying if we need their help they will help us. Jolene said the same th g before they left to go home. John and I starred to get to k ow each other more . I was courtly in his office reading a book "Hannah love lets go for a run tomorrow" John said. I lifted my head from the book "ok I'm games but he first on to the waterfall tomorrow makes dinner" I said smiling. John smiled and nodded in agreement. The next morning we went on our run I was running and was truly happy with my life and how it ended up.
That's it the end I'm thinking of doing a sequel I'm not to sure so let me know please

I want to thank my best friend for letting me use their names I do own Paul, John, Skyler, and Emma the other character are my friends names and their boyfriend's or just other friends thank you for reading my story I hoped you liked it please let me know what you think.

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