chapter 8

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     I looked back at Kyla as Tori shook her head "well he's the one who saved you Kyla the sandy color wolf Alpha John" I said. I heared gasped from behind me and Kylas expression said it all she was excited. "When and were details child details" she said so I sat down on her bed and started my story "I went to his office after the attack you were with the doctor and he wish to know what I said was the truth and I said yes it was. He then notice my side bleeding so he insisted to look at it then his finger brushed my skin and I could hear a voice in the back of my head saying mate. I told him that I wanted to see you and ran out and got Tori and we left To go to the creek but was stopped by a werewolf name Paul and we left him after getting into a verbal fight and that's when we meet Skyler and we talked for awhile then we came back and you know everything from there" I said finishing my story. "Omg I'm so happy for you Hannah this great you need to fine that wolf and accept him as your mate Hannah you have been waiting for ever" she said sitting up. "I know but what if he don't accept me" I said "then that's his problem not your" Tori said "Alpha John is far and good he won't do that I believe he will accept you. Your a wonderful Person and a great wolf too" Marcus said turning with Tori "thank you Marcus" I said "no thank you I'm taking Tori for some food you can go and fined Alpha John about your room but Tori is staying with me" he said leaving "ok" I said "I'm sleeping here but I leave in the morning .so I'm good" Kyla said I nodded my head. "goodbye you guy see you in the morning" I said.
     I left little after Marcus and Tori. I walked up the stairs to the stairs the office. The wooden doors came into view after about two minute of climbing. I knocked once then I heared an enter and walked in "yes may-" when he looked up and saw Me he stopped "hi glad your back please sit" he said walking over to the couch. I sat on the couch next to him "um Hannah are you scared about being my mate" he asked looking at his hands "no why would you think that" I asked shocked a little "because the look you gave just as you left" he said looking up at me "no I'm scared that you will reject me" I said blushing " I would never Do that your to beautiful to let go" he said making me blush even more "really" I said looking at him shocked even more "of course hey why not go on a run with me. just the two of us no one else" he said "really I would love that but first were can I sleep" I asked blushing red as a tomato "oh hmmm how about with me just like Marcus with Tori but let me finish with this letter then we can go to bed" he said getting up and walking to his desk. "Um John what's the letter about" I asked "oh it is from one of my spies Iy makes it easy for him to blend in with his dark brown fur in the blood moon pack and to keep between us he is Kylas mate I told him about Kyla and he got furious he want to come here to see her but I told him no" he said.
      I started to chuckle "what's so funny" he asked "well um Kyla just said that if she had a werewolf mate that would make us the three mate muscutears" I said chuckling. He started chuckling too "that is funny now it is time for bed my love" he said. We went to his room and crawled into bed and feel asleep to the sound of his even breathing. 

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