chapter 38

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I got out of the car with Tori and Kyla following me to the front door. I knocked twice then waited I could hear stomping from within the house then the door flung open. There at the door was my black waited friend Daniel. "Hannah what are you doing here" Daniel asked shocked to see me I giggled "we need you help Daniel um can you come with us" Tori said and I nodded getting serious. He must of saw that we were being serious because he closed she door then opened it "I'll be home it a few days mom love you" Daniel said before he closed the door. "Ok what ever it is I'm gamed" he said "are you sure because what I'm about ti ask you is the mist dangerous thing that can happen to you" I said "you have a choice Daniel said you can say no" Kyla add. "I know but I won't turn you three away your family ti me and that's enough" Daniel replied making me nod "ok I got another stop then I'll explain everything" I said. Daniel nodded then walked ti the SUV that Skyler was in Kyla followed him after I told them to follow me. I started the engine to my Corevette after me and Tori climbed in. I pulled out with Skyler following me we came to a stop sign by a church and I turned to the left "your going to ask David are you" Tori said "yeah though I don't know if he'll help us but it's worth a try" I said nodding. Tori smiled "David is not his brother Hannah he'll help us I just know it your like a sister to him" Tori said reassuringly It kinda made me feel better. "Thanks Tori you always did know what to say" I said turning to look at her a smiled this made her giggle. I stopped after when I camped to my friend David's house. I got out then turn to Tori before I closed the door "stay here I got this one" I said then closed the door. I walked to the house and knocked after a few minutes the door open and Jolene stood there "Hannah what's wrong" she asked. I put on a fake smile for the little girl behind Jolene "um is David home because I need to talk to him and you it's really important" I said urgently she nodded then ran to the back if the house. I stood at the door way for a good five minutes then she returned with my best friend David. He smiled at me "Hannah you wanted to speck with me" David said. I groaned then looked at Jolene "I need your help if you accept then I'll explain everything that's going on but be warned if you do accept you are going to see terrible things and you could get hurt or worse killed but I won't come to you not know that you are more the cable of the job" I said thenlooked at the ground "hum fine I'll help your a sister to me so it is total worth my time and even my life" David said hugging me. Jolene nodded in agreement then close the door to the house. "Come I got a lot to tell and explain" I said turning and walking to my car. Jolene nodded and David both got in the SUV with Kyla and Daniel with Skyler driving. I turn back the way I came and drove to the pack house

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