chapter 12

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"How is she doc." Asked a voice "she'll be fine just some rest" answered another voice "how bad was she" growled the voice before "nothing to major she did have a broken wrist but that is healed just like the other wounds like I said she just need rest" answered the other voice which I think is the doctor's voice "when will she wake" asked the voice "soon Alpha soon" said the doctor. I heared footsteps talling me that someone left the room "Hannah I'm so sorry thought you were right behind me I'm so sorry" said the voice.
I groaned as I opened my eyes. I looked around seeing white walls. I looked next to me to see a couch and a chair both full. The couch had Tori and Kyla on it and the chair which was beside the bed had John in it. John had his hand on mine so I flipped my hand over to reveal my palm taking his hand and squeezing it. I heared a groan so I looked up to see John rubbing this eyes. He looked down to see my hand squeezing his "Hannah can you hear me" John asked. "Yes I can hear you were am I" I asked "your in the pack hospital. I found you just outside the woods unconscious you gave us a scare" he said. "I see I'm sorry so what happen as I was unconscious" I asked sitting up "well the wolves that attacked you got away" he growled "I even went looking all we found was blood" he said still growling "ok how long have I been out" I asked "one week I had to call your mom to tell her to come and see you" he whispered "What! where is she? is she ok?" I asked panicing "calm down she's fine she in the kitchen looking for some food" he said. "Oh good I don't want her hurt" I said. Tori and Kyla awoke from the noise then saw that I was awake and ran over to the bed "Hannah what happen" they asked "yes please tell me what happen all we know is that you were attack now tell me who attack you" John asked. "Ok" I said so I moved so Tori and Kyla could sit and listen. Just as I started to explain what happened Marcus and Tyler rushed in surprising me and Kyla.

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