chapter 25

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I awake the next morning to find the bed empty. I looked around and found a note on the table next to me love I need to go on the protrols this morning and then I got to leave to see my niece I won't be home until Monday I wished I could have seen that lovely face and beautiful smile before I left but I had to go. Have fun with your mother today but let someone know when you are leaving. That was a good kiss last night I can't wait lot more. I love you Hannah I'll see you when I get home
        Love you
I smile at the note it was so romantic for him to do that. This was why I loved him. I grabbed a pair of jean and a shirt than walked down to see Jake and my Mom talking. Jake looked the stairs and saw me and he started smiling "morning Hannah I made breakfast" he said this made my mom turn in her seat "morning honey how was the dance" she asked. I walked over to the counter "so much fun and how was your night with Emma" I asked. My mom looked Jake then at me "she is the cutest thing ever we which movies and then when we got home we had cookies and milk and draw pictures I had so much fun that about you Jake" my mom asked "the best little girl ever I have to agree with your mother and plus had so much fun with her craking those jokes and other things" Jake chuckle. I giggled as i grabbed some breakfast "wow hey mom do you want to go see a movie furious 8 is out and I want to go see it" I said sitting down beside my mom "I would love to Jake you want come" my mom asked. "Sure I watch that" he said I nodded my head "ok let me finish and well get going" I said eating. Once I was done all three of us got in my mom's van and we drove to the movie theater.

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