chapter 31

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After we all sat down and Emma put was comfortable beside me "so what do we do now" Kyla asked. Tori and I both know what she was talking about the guys. "We have to be strong for them since me and you are human there is not much we can do" Tori sighed.  I perked up with an idea "well I do have some ideas on how you could help" I said. The girls turned and looked at me "how and what" Kyla said loudly and Tori nodded agreeing with Kyla "well I could ask John if we could change you into wolves temporarily you know to help protect the little one in the pack house or I'll teach you things like shooting, knife throwing, and sword fighting and martial arts things like that" I said the girls perked up at the idea that they could help "well I'll like to be a temporarily werewolf if he pass it" Kyla said and Tori giggle "no just watching you fight was enough I'll take the class I want to learn martial arts, shooting, Knife throwing, and sword fighting" Tori said and I giggled "yeah not fun being bitten in The leg or shoulder" I said. Just then Paul and Skyler rushed in startling me making me look at them " what's wrong" I asked looking at the concern look on Paul's face "um the thing is we can't find both Tyler and Marcus" Paul said looking at Tori and Kyla. "What" I said jumping up from the couch. The girls followed suit "we need to find them" Tori said said and Kyla nod "I'm going to go and find them I got a really good scents of smell" I said then walked to The door then turned and looked at them "please wait for my mother and Jake here please I want them safe from harm" I said then I shifted my glaze to Paul "when John gets home if he is home before me.please tell him I need tom talk to him I'll return" I said then turned to the door and opening it. I walked to the woods then shifted into my white wolf form then took off. I ran until I came to the borders then I started sniffing. I picked up Tyler's scent and Marcus I follow the scent until it disappeared. I stopped when the scent disappeared and I started to sniff trying to find the scent. After a few minutes I found a dill scent from Tyler and  shortly after I found Marcus scent not to far from Tyler. I follow the scent then it started to get stronger and strange then I found them at another side of the border and I growled to.let them know I'm behind them Hannah what's wrong Tyler said turning to face me and Marcus follow suit because the protrols couldn't find you so I follow the dill scent from the border that them left is there a problem I asked sitting on the ground yes we followed a scent here but I don't know how our scent could be dill unless if another wolf is following us Marcus said  I see did you find this wolf I asked and the shook their heads I see I know I helped one here but this one is different isn't I said and they nodded I think this is one is a rogue but I don't know. But we.need to keep watch because rogues have werewolf venom they van turn human into werewolf so we need to keep the girls on watch Tyler said growling and I shook my head well you know that temporarily medicine that can make a human werewolf so for about what a day or two I need to ask if Kyla could use some she wants to be a werewolf to help with what is going on. Wait did Paul tell you I asked standing up and they nodded and I sighed the moved my head to tell them it's time to go and I ran off with with the guys following me .

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